So last week I mentioned that I was going to send out Courtesy Notices to 3 credit card companies using Kaiulapele's as a template.
After doing some more research on this I have decided NOT to do this. Here is why:
Some of you may remember that in January 2010 I lost 1 of my 2 full time jobs. At that time I stopped paying my mortgage with Bank of America, which has recently been resolved with a modification that is affordable to me. For 2 years I continued to pay my credit card debt that I had to accumulate in order to be able to by that house in 2007. I paid off 3 cards and closed them and considerably paid down the others by half of what was owed. Then last year I said to heck with it... and stopped paying on those cards.
I got a lot of real good advise on how to handle this. I have followed that advise and so far I only receive the occasional call that I do NOT answer and never have and I have never returned any of the correspondence from the companies or the collection agencies now involved. Besides the initial conversation telling them that when the Prosperity Program Funds or RV funds reach my account I would them pay in full.
Now... I researched how sending a Courtesy Notice would impact my particular case and I realized that when I made a decision to not correspond with said companies I took the power away from them by admitting I owed them any monies. They can not even take me to court because they can not connect with me. If I send a C.N I would then be admitting that I owed the debt and then be open to prosecution in court.
So... though the C.N. sounds good in theory... until we see real change in all areas of debt removal and government reform... be real careful on how you proceed with the OPPT. There are an awful lot of folks that I am hearing from that do not see this as a viable way to go. At least for now.
Just wanted to make sure others proceed with total caution on this OPPT info. Filing a law suit is way different to having that suit be applicable to ones particular needs.
So last week I mentioned that I was going to send out Courtesy Notices to 3 credit card companies using Kaiulapele's as a template.
After doing some more research on this I have decided NOT to do this. Here is why:
Some of you may remember that in January 2010 I lost 1 of my 2 full time jobs. At that time I stopped paying my mortgage with Bank of America, which has recently been resolved with a modification that is affordable to me. For 2 years I continued to pay my credit card debt that I had to accumulate in order to be able to by that house in 2007. I paid off 3 cards and closed them and considerably paid down the others by half of what was owed. Then last year I said to heck with it... and stopped paying on those cards.
I got a lot of real good advise on how to handle this. I have followed that advise and so far I only receive the occasional call that I do NOT answer and never have and I have never returned any of the correspondence from the companies or the collection agencies now involved. Besides the initial conversation telling them that when the Prosperity Program Funds or RV funds reach my account I would them pay in full.
Now... I researched how sending a Courtesy Notice would impact my particular case and I realized that when I made a decision to not correspond with said companies I took the power away from them by admitting I owed them any monies. They can not even take me to court because they can not connect with me. If I send a C.N I would then be admitting that I owed the debt and then be open to prosecution in court.
So... though the C.N. sounds good in theory... until we see real change in all areas of debt removal and government reform... be real careful on how you proceed with the OPPT. There are an awful lot of folks that I am hearing from that do not see this as a viable way to go. At least for now.
Just wanted to make sure others proceed with total caution on this OPPT info. Filing a law suit is way different to having that suit be applicable to ones particular needs.