A Bit More About “The OPPT Ship” (the “Ship of OPPT”)…
Posted on 2013/03/03 by kauilapele
bit more here that has come through for me to put here regarding “the
OPPT ship” (akabm (also known as, by me…), the “Ship of OPPT”).
The OPPT filings and other pieces are much different from anything
that anyone has done before. This is beyond the 3D. Far beyond it. From
what I see, it takes this planet to square ONE. Back to the Creator. As
the trustees have written the filings, there is no way out for the
corporation planet systems. No way out.
That’s why this is “taking off”. I know hardly anything about the
details of any of the filings. I do know that as soon as Heather emailed
myself, AK, and Poof, on December 26,2012, that something uniquely
special was happening.
And although the works of Winston Shrout and others like him were
important as examples for what could be done via the existing commerce
structures, the OPPT filings took this to a much Higher level. And not
for just an individual or two, but for ALL on this planet.
Thanks to: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com
Posted on 2013/03/03 by kauilapele
bit more here that has come through for me to put here regarding “the
OPPT ship” (akabm (also known as, by me…), the “Ship of OPPT”).
The OPPT filings and other pieces are much different from anything
that anyone has done before. This is beyond the 3D. Far beyond it. From
what I see, it takes this planet to square ONE. Back to the Creator. As
the trustees have written the filings, there is no way out for the
corporation planet systems. No way out.
That’s why this is “taking off”. I know hardly anything about the
details of any of the filings. I do know that as soon as Heather emailed
myself, AK, and Poof, on December 26,2012, that something uniquely
special was happening.
And although the works of Winston Shrout and others like him were
important as examples for what could be done via the existing commerce
structures, the OPPT filings took this to a much Higher level. And not
for just an individual or two, but for ALL on this planet.
Thanks to: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com