Light Stewards: Staying Aware, Remaining Present, and Releasing Limiting Conditions to Create
Mar 15
Posted by Wes Annac
Stewards” is a group created by Graham Dewyea, host of “Our Galactic
Family” and “Heavenly Blessings” on InLight Radio, which he created as
well. The following was written by this group.
The soul desires an outcome for the highest good of all. The creative process may not work for ego-driven desires.
Is the desired outcome an exercise of the ego or the soul? If it is
in concert with the divine qualities, it is likely soul driven (click here to learn what the divine qualities are). If it feels blissful, joyful and light, it is likely soul-driven.
If it feels heavy, manipulative, or feels like an obligation, or if
greed, lust, envy, etc. is the driving force, it is likely ego-driven.
Three prerequisites of the creation process:
1. Staying aware, in the the now: Staying present and in the moment
is central to this exercise so that we can be aware of our thoughts and
feelings and source (i.e., complete) unwanted or limiting conditions.
Meditation and breath work are examples of how to stay present and in
the moment.
2. Sourcing unwanted or limiting conditions: Examples include lack,
fear, and doubt. By being present and in the moment, we can be more in
tune with these conditions when they come up. By identifying the
conditions, we’re able to observe them, feel the feelings that come with
them, and allow the feelings and conditions to move through us until
we’re complete.
Be patient and compassionate with yourself during this process.
It can be helpful having another serve as a listener so that you can
vocalize your process, which can often lead to insights and clarity.
Fear is a condition that people often experience. Stay out of the
mind and in the heart, source the reason for the fear, release it, get
to a place of peace and calm, and replace it with joy or another divine
quality such as beauty or hope.
Identify any beliefs that may be contributing to the unwanted or
limiting condition and release them. Examples might include, “I’m not
deserving enough”, “that isn’t possible,” “that can’t happen to me,” or
“there isn’t enough to go around.”
Note: We may have agreed to clear for the collective, so what may be
coming up in terms of unwanted or limiting conditions may be what the
collective is feeling and needs to be cleared or released.
This is our opportunity to release old habits or addictions that no longer serve us.
3. Creating: Factors that bring about creation:
Light Stewards – Sisters and Brothers of Unity is a new group that
has taken upon itself the role of providing suggestive guidance to
lightworkers who wish to adopt high standards of integrity and the
embodiment of Fifth-Dimensional qualities as we prepare ourselves for
our ever-expanding roles in the Golden Age.
Our goal is to generate and share documents which help us stay
squeaky clean in our behavior, in turn allowing bliss to rise within us.
We hope that these documents help us align with the new paradigm of the
divine qualities which we think will make Ascension easier and
Click here for other articles written by Light Stewards – Sisters and Brothers of Unity:
Thanks to:
Mar 15
Posted by Wes Annac
Stewards” is a group created by Graham Dewyea, host of “Our Galactic
Family” and “Heavenly Blessings” on InLight Radio, which he created as
well. The following was written by this group.
The soul desires an outcome for the highest good of all. The creative process may not work for ego-driven desires.
Is the desired outcome an exercise of the ego or the soul? If it is
in concert with the divine qualities, it is likely soul driven (click here to learn what the divine qualities are). If it feels blissful, joyful and light, it is likely soul-driven.
If it feels heavy, manipulative, or feels like an obligation, or if
greed, lust, envy, etc. is the driving force, it is likely ego-driven.
Three prerequisites of the creation process:
- Staying aware, in the now
- Sourcing unwanted or limiting conditions
- Creating
1. Staying aware, in the the now: Staying present and in the moment
is central to this exercise so that we can be aware of our thoughts and
feelings and source (i.e., complete) unwanted or limiting conditions.
Meditation and breath work are examples of how to stay present and in
the moment.
2. Sourcing unwanted or limiting conditions: Examples include lack,
fear, and doubt. By being present and in the moment, we can be more in
tune with these conditions when they come up. By identifying the
conditions, we’re able to observe them, feel the feelings that come with
them, and allow the feelings and conditions to move through us until
we’re complete.
Be patient and compassionate with yourself during this process.
It can be helpful having another serve as a listener so that you can
vocalize your process, which can often lead to insights and clarity.
Fear is a condition that people often experience. Stay out of the
mind and in the heart, source the reason for the fear, release it, get
to a place of peace and calm, and replace it with joy or another divine
quality such as beauty or hope.
Identify any beliefs that may be contributing to the unwanted or
limiting condition and release them. Examples might include, “I’m not
deserving enough”, “that isn’t possible,” “that can’t happen to me,” or
“there isn’t enough to go around.”
Note: We may have agreed to clear for the collective, so what may be
coming up in terms of unwanted or limiting conditions may be what the
collective is feeling and needs to be cleared or released.
This is our opportunity to release old habits or addictions that no longer serve us.
3. Creating: Factors that bring about creation:
- Feel gratitude for what you have now
- Set the intention for what you choose to manifest
- Visualize, using your imagination, that which you choose as if it’s
already here or has already happened and hold that vision with joy,
letting it rest in your heart (stillpoint) - Release expectations or attachments for how it might come about
- Ask for help from your guides and angels
- Follow your intuition for nudges and signs that can help you achieve your goal
- Have patience
- Be persistent
- Have fun with it – we are powerful creators and have the ability to manifest our deepest desires and dreams
Light Stewards – Sisters and Brothers of Unity is a new group that
has taken upon itself the role of providing suggestive guidance to
lightworkers who wish to adopt high standards of integrity and the
embodiment of Fifth-Dimensional qualities as we prepare ourselves for
our ever-expanding roles in the Golden Age.
Our goal is to generate and share documents which help us stay
squeaky clean in our behavior, in turn allowing bliss to rise within us.
We hope that these documents help us align with the new paradigm of the
divine qualities which we think will make Ascension easier and
Click here for other articles written by Light Stewards – Sisters and Brothers of Unity:
Thanks to: