300+ Hypothyroidism Symptoms…Yes REALLY
November 19, 2012 by Dana Trentini 427 Comments
Who knew that little butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the base of our necks could affect our lives so completely? Don’t underestimate the power of that little gland. It is the master control center for the metabolic functions of every single cell in your body. Therefore it has the power to disrupt every part of your body and to produce profound changes in every aspect of your life. Scientific research links hypothyroidism to heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, gall bladder disease, liver disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. The Thyroid Federation International estimates there are up to 300 million people worldwide experiencing thyroid dysfunction, yet over half are presumed to be unaware of their condition. Despite research connecting an underactive thyroid to some of the deadliest diseases of our time, the hypothyroidism epidemic sweeping across the globe has gone largely unrecognized by the mainstream medical community. Are you sure you are ready for this long pathetic list of symptoms?
One of my readers contacted me with the following question. The question was so important that it had me thinking and thinking about how best to address it. Thank you Yipsy for contacting me. Yes chronic urticaria (hives) is one of the hundreds of potential hypothyroidism symptoms. I hope this post answers your question.
My hope is that this post finds the millions of people worldwide who are not aware of their condition. They are suffering from multiple health complications but they have no clue their thyroid is to blame. Their doctors are prescribing medication after medication for illnesses that could be treated by addressing the underlying hypothyroidism. It is a tragedy.
Then there are those who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and treated with thyroid replacement medication, however they still suffer from many of the symptoms on this list. Their doctors have no idea the real reason for their ill health is the improperly treated hypothyroidism. They too are being prescribed multiple medications for conditions that could be treated by proper thyroid treatment. Others are mistakenly considered hypochondriacs and prescribed sleeping pills and anti-depressants by their doctors. Others are told their symptoms are just part of normal aging and shrugged off as unimportant. Doctors are relying solely on laboratory tests for diagnosis, not investigating fully the patient’s medical history, symptoms, family history and thorough physical exams. Does this sound like you? It may be time to change doctors.
I have struggled an uphill battle for proper diagnosis and treatment. Read my story “Have you suffered a miscarriage? Your thyroid could be to blame“. When I miscarried my baby unnecessarily to hypothyroidism due to my doctors’ lack of awareness, the Warrior Mom came out of me. Don’t mess with my babies! I have spent 3 years intensely researching hypothyroidism and searching for the top thyroid health professionals. You bet I will warn women everywhere about the dangers of hypothyroidism.
The following individuals and organizations are some of the top thyroid health experts in the world. They are all included on my Hypothyroid Mom Top Resources page for the amazing resources they provide hypothyroid sufferers. My list of 300+ symptoms is a compilation of their lists of hypothyroid symptoms along with additional symptoms I have found in my research.
Every person will present with a different combination of symptoms. The severity of each person’s hypothyroidism will also determine the severity and number of symptoms they experience. Untreated hypothyroidism worsens with age with worsening symptoms. Don’t be led to believe that symptoms from this list are not connected to hypothyroidism, because they may be in your case, even if your doctor doesn’t know it.
I would love to hear from you in my comments box at the bottom “Speak Your Mind”. The more we share with one another, the more we know we are not alone.
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
Are you prescribed medications for symptoms listed below? Are you sure your doctor is aware of the connection of these symptoms to hypothyroidism?
Are you being treated with thyroid replacement medication but still suffering symptoms?
Do you have a family history of thyroid disease, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer and/or Alzheimer’s? Please read on.
The Unbelievably Long List of Hypothyroidism Symptoms
Energy Level and Sleep:
Body Temperature:
Related Autoimmune or Endocrine Diseases:
Swelling and Thickened Skin of:
Mouth and Throat:
Numbness and Tingling:
Menstrual Disorders:
Reproductive Disorders and Pregnancy:
Other Related Conditions:
Kidney and Bladder:
I told you it would be an unbelievably long list. Were you ready for that?
A special thank you to ThyroidChange for including me as Guest Writer “Have You Suffered A Miscarriage? Your Thyroid Could Be To Blame“. I am proud to sign your petition “Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction Demand Better Care“. Your petition has been translated in multiple languages to reach people across the globe. I hope you know what a difference you are making. You are saving lives.
About the author
By Dana Trentini - Hypothyroid Mom is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. Connect with me on Google+
[url=http://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhypothyroidmom.com%2F300-hypothyroidism-symptoms-yes-really%2F&media=&guid=9YAPP7tZJhJL-0&description=300%2B Hypothyroidism Symptoms...Yes REALLY][/url][/font][/color]
Thanks to: http://hypothyroidmom.com/[/font][/color]
November 19, 2012 by Dana Trentini 427 Comments
Who knew that little butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the base of our necks could affect our lives so completely? Don’t underestimate the power of that little gland. It is the master control center for the metabolic functions of every single cell in your body. Therefore it has the power to disrupt every part of your body and to produce profound changes in every aspect of your life. Scientific research links hypothyroidism to heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, gall bladder disease, liver disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. The Thyroid Federation International estimates there are up to 300 million people worldwide experiencing thyroid dysfunction, yet over half are presumed to be unaware of their condition. Despite research connecting an underactive thyroid to some of the deadliest diseases of our time, the hypothyroidism epidemic sweeping across the globe has gone largely unrecognized by the mainstream medical community. Are you sure you are ready for this long pathetic list of symptoms?
One of my readers contacted me with the following question. The question was so important that it had me thinking and thinking about how best to address it. Thank you Yipsy for contacting me. Yes chronic urticaria (hives) is one of the hundreds of potential hypothyroidism symptoms. I hope this post answers your question.
[color][font]Hi Dana - 6 months ago, I started having hives every night. Blood tests and research on web have not yielded any help. I read some of the info on your blog. After google thyroid and hive, I found some potential linkage between my condition and Thyroid. I appreciate if you can share symptoms that link to Hypothyroid on your website so that people know what to look for. Thank you for raising the awareness. Article from About.com Allergies: “Got Hives? Get your thyroid checked!” http://allergies.about.com/b/2007/10/02/got-hives-get-your-thyroid-checked.htm
My hope is that this post finds the millions of people worldwide who are not aware of their condition. They are suffering from multiple health complications but they have no clue their thyroid is to blame. Their doctors are prescribing medication after medication for illnesses that could be treated by addressing the underlying hypothyroidism. It is a tragedy.
Then there are those who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and treated with thyroid replacement medication, however they still suffer from many of the symptoms on this list. Their doctors have no idea the real reason for their ill health is the improperly treated hypothyroidism. They too are being prescribed multiple medications for conditions that could be treated by proper thyroid treatment. Others are mistakenly considered hypochondriacs and prescribed sleeping pills and anti-depressants by their doctors. Others are told their symptoms are just part of normal aging and shrugged off as unimportant. Doctors are relying solely on laboratory tests for diagnosis, not investigating fully the patient’s medical history, symptoms, family history and thorough physical exams. Does this sound like you? It may be time to change doctors.
I have struggled an uphill battle for proper diagnosis and treatment. Read my story “Have you suffered a miscarriage? Your thyroid could be to blame“. When I miscarried my baby unnecessarily to hypothyroidism due to my doctors’ lack of awareness, the Warrior Mom came out of me. Don’t mess with my babies! I have spent 3 years intensely researching hypothyroidism and searching for the top thyroid health professionals. You bet I will warn women everywhere about the dangers of hypothyroidism.
The following individuals and organizations are some of the top thyroid health experts in the world. They are all included on my Hypothyroid Mom Top Resources page for the amazing resources they provide hypothyroid sufferers. My list of 300+ symptoms is a compilation of their lists of hypothyroid symptoms along with additional symptoms I have found in my research.
[color][font]Thank you to Dr. Mark Starr for the comprehensive list of hypothyroidism symptoms in his book “Hypothyroidism Type 2 – The Epidemic“. Thank you to thyroid patient advocate Mary Shomon for her extensive lists of hypothyroidism symptoms in her books “Living Well with Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctors Don’t Tell You..That You Need to Know” and “The Thyroid Hormone Breakthrough: Overcoming Sexual and Hormonal Problems At Every Age“. Thank you Janie Bowthorpe from “Stop The Thyroid Madness” for her “Long and Pathetic List of Symptoms” (what a perfect name for this list)! Thank you also to Thyroid Patient Advocacy UK and Thyroid UK for providing great resources.
Every person will present with a different combination of symptoms. The severity of each person’s hypothyroidism will also determine the severity and number of symptoms they experience. Untreated hypothyroidism worsens with age with worsening symptoms. Don’t be led to believe that symptoms from this list are not connected to hypothyroidism, because they may be in your case, even if your doctor doesn’t know it.
I would love to hear from you in my comments box at the bottom “Speak Your Mind”. The more we share with one another, the more we know we are not alone.
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
Are you prescribed medications for symptoms listed below? Are you sure your doctor is aware of the connection of these symptoms to hypothyroidism?
Are you being treated with thyroid replacement medication but still suffering symptoms?
Do you have a family history of thyroid disease, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer and/or Alzheimer’s? Please read on.
The Unbelievably Long List of Hypothyroidism Symptoms
Energy Level and Sleep:
- Chronic fatigue
- Excessive tiredness
- Less stamina than others
- Less energy than others
- Long recovery period after any activity
- Inability to stand on feet for long periods
- Inability to concentrate or read long periods of time
- Nodding off easily
- More fatigued and sore than normal after exercise
- Feel weak
- Run down
- Sluggish
- Lethargic
- Sleep apnea
- Snoring
- Insomnia
- 3:00pm crash
- Need naps in the afternoon
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Lightheaded
- Fainting episodes
- Sudden loss of consciousness
- Wake feeling tired
- Frequently oversleep
- Weight gain
- Inability to lose weight
- Ascites (abdominal fluid accumulation)
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Weight loss
- Anorexia
- Heightened appetite
- Diminished appetite
- Obesity
Body Temperature:
- Cold extremities
- Cold sweats
- Night sweats
- Heat intolerance
- Cold intolerance
- Internal shivering
- Hypothermia
- Cold hands
- Clammy palms
- Cold feet
- Low basal body temperature (below 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit)
- Slow movements
- Slowed Achilles reflex
- Diminished reflexes
- Slow speech
- Frequent infections
- Chronic illness
- Low immune system
- Frequent colds
- Frequent flus
- Susceptibility to bronchitis
- Hard time recovering from infections
- Recurrent sinus infections
- Recurrent skin infections
- Recurrent ear infections
- Recurrent nose infections
- Recurrent throat infections
- Candida (yeast)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Repeated urinary tract infections
- Upper respiratory tract infections
Related Autoimmune or Endocrine Diseases:
- Celiac disease
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Insulin Resistance
- Addison’s disease
- Cushing’s disease
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Premature ovarian decline
- Premature ovarian failure
- Alopecia
- Reynaud’s syndrome
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Multiple sclerosis
- Sarcoidosis
- Scleroderma
- Vitiligo
- Psoriasis
Swelling and Thickened Skin of:
- Eyes
- Face
- Neck
- Hands
- Arms
- Legs
- Feet
- Ankles
Mouth and Throat:
- Difficulty swallowing
- Sensation of lump in throat
- Sensation of pressure on throat
- Pain and tenderness in neck and/or thyroid area
- Goitre (enlargement of the thyroid gland in neck)
- Burning sensation in throat
- Sore throats
- Swollen tongue
- Choking fits
- Salt cravings
- Sweet cravings
- Dry mouth
- Halitosis (bad breath)
- Poor oral health
- Propensity for cavities
- Propensity for gum disease
- Low, husky, hoarse voice
- Bleeding gums
- Receding gums
- Persistent teeth clenching
- Oversensitive hearing
- Noises in ears (hissing, ringing)
- Deafness
- Tinnitus
- Internal itching of ears
- Dizziness from fluid on the inner ear
- Excess earwax
- Vertigo
- Poor focusing
- Double vision
- Dry eyes
- Gritty eyes
- Achy eyes
- Blurred vision
- Heavy eyelids
- Sensitive to light
- Frequent tics in the eyes
- Spasms of the eyelids
- Bulging of the eyeballs
- Red inflamed eyes
- Dark rings under eyes
- Puffiness around the eyes
- Rapidly shifting gaze making you feel dizzy
- Problems with night vision
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Body hair loss
- Head hair loss
- Dry hair
- Brittle hair
- Coarse hair
- Finer hair
- Premature baldness
- Premature gray hair
- Eyelash loss
- No eyebrows
- Thinning outer eyebrows
- Brittleness
- Flaking
- Peeling
- Pale
- Soft
- Yellowish
- Ridged
- Striated
- Thickened
- Ingrown toenails
- Dry skin
- Dry itchy scalp
- Flaky skin
- Cracking skin
- Cracked heels
- Coarse patches
- Yellowish cast to the skin, jaundice
- Dry mucous membranes
- Pale skin
- Pale lips
- Boils
- Pigmentation in skin creases
- Dull facial expression
- Rashes
- Skin tags
- Dermographia (wheals)
- Eczema
- Easy bruising
- Bleeding problems
- Slow wound healing
- Hemophilia
- Bumps on legs
- Acne on face
- Breakout on chest and arms
- Raynaud’s Phenomenon (discoloration of digits)
- Chronic itching
- Varicose veins
- Premature aging
- Parchment-like fine wrinkles
- Absence or diminished perspiration
- Moles and warty growths
- Hives
Numbness and Tingling:
- Legs
- Feet
- Arms
- Hands
- Back
- Face
- Migraines
- Chronic headaches
- Chronic back and loin pain
- Wrist pain
- Muscles and joint pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (hands or forearms)
- Tarsal Tunnel syndrome (legs)
- Joint stiffness
- Tendonitis
- Heel spur
- Plantar fasciitis
- Arthritis
- Gout
- Painful soles of feet
- Muscle cramps
- Aching bones
- Aching muscles
- Joint pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Hard stools
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Loss of appetite
- Food allergy
- Food sensitivity
- Alcohol intolerance
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Lactose intolerance
- Celiac Disease
- Gluten Intolerance
- Colitis
- Abdominal distention
- Weight gain in abdominal area
- Diverticulosis
- Excess gas
- Flatulence
- Nausea
- Ulcers
- Acid Reflux
- Excessive belching
- GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Menstrual Disorders:
- Cessation of periods (amenorrhoea)
- Scanty (light) periods (oligomenorrhoea)
- Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
- Irregular periods
- Very short cycles
- Very long cycles
- Excruciating pain during period
- Failure to ovulate
- Constant bleeding
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Premenstrual tension (PMT)
- Extreme bloating and water retention
- Premature or delayed puberty
- Premature or delayed menopause
- Difficult menopause
- Hysterectomy
- Endometriosis
- Ovarian fibroids
- Cystic ovaries
Reproductive Disorders and Pregnancy:
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Still birth
- In vitro fertilization failure
- Donor egg failure
- Abnormal estrogen levels
- Abnormal progesterone levels
- Drop in sperm count
- Erectile dysfunction
- Loss of libido
- Sexual dysfunction
- Vaginal dryness
- Painful sex
- Breasts leaking milk (but not lactating or breastfeeding)
- Fibrocystic breast disease
- Maternal anemia
- Gestational diabetes
- Pre-eclampsia
- Placental abruption
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Prolonged labor
- Inability to dilate
- Poor wound healing
- Pain in and around c-section scar
- Difficulty breast-feeding
- Low breast milk supply
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Long gestation
- High birth weight
- Newborn with deficits in intellectual development
- Newborns with jaundice
- Autism
- Birth defects
- Easily upset
- Irritable
- Wanting to be solitary
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Personality changes
- Feelings of resentment
- Jumpy
- Easily startled
- Lack of confidence
- Nervousness
Other Related Conditions:
- Low adrenal function
- Stress
- Anemia
- Hyponatremia (low blood sodium)
- Lack of coordination
- Clumsiness
- Tendency to fall
- Tremor
- Chronic allergies
- Chemical sensitivities
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Rhabdomyolysis (destruction of skeletal muscle)
- Scoliosis
- Flat feet
- Very short stature
- Very tall stature
- Narrow hips
- Osteoporosis
- Hernia
- Depression
- Panic attacks
- Memory loss
- Confusion
- Brain fog
- Mental sluggishness
- Poor concentration
- Noises and/or voices in head
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Mania
- Phobias
- Loss of drive
- Personality disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Post Natal Depression (PND)
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Nightmares
- Bipolar Disease
- Suicidal thoughts
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
Kidney and Bladder:
- Albuminuria (protein in urine)
- Urinary incontinence
- Frequent need to urinate
- Decreased output of urine
- Interstitial cystitis (chronic bladder problems)
- Urinary incontinence while sleeping
- Kidney Disease
- Kidney stones
- Recurrent kidney infections
- Recurrent bladder infections
- Irritable bladder syndrome
- Chronic kidney failure
- Gallbladder Disease
- Gallstones
- Liver tenderness and enlargement
- Congestion of the liver
- Elevated liver enzymes
- Hypoglycemia
- Diabetes
- Liver Disease
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Breathlessness
- Difficulty drawing a full breath
- Pleural effusion (fluid around the lung)
- Shortness of breath
- Tightness in chest
- Pneumonia
- Lung cancer
- High blood pressure
- Low blood pressure
- Slow/weak pulse (under 60 bpm)
- Fast pulse (over 90 bpm at rest)
- Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
- Skipped beats
- Heart flutters
- Heart palpitations
- Chest pain
- Heart Disease
- High Cholesterol
- High triglycerides
- High LDL (“bad”) cholesterol
- Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Atherosclerosis
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Elevated C-Reactive Protein
- Fibrillations
- Plaque buildup
- Fluid retention
- Poor circulation
- Enlarged heart
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Stroke
- Heart Attack
- Increased risk of cancer
- Skin Cancer
- Thyroid Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Endocrine Cancers
- Lung Cancer
- Breast Cancer
I told you it would be an unbelievably long list. Were you ready for that?
A special thank you to ThyroidChange for including me as Guest Writer “Have You Suffered A Miscarriage? Your Thyroid Could Be To Blame“. I am proud to sign your petition “Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction Demand Better Care“. Your petition has been translated in multiple languages to reach people across the globe. I hope you know what a difference you are making. You are saving lives.
About the author
By Dana Trentini - Hypothyroid Mom is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for consulting your physician regarding medical advice pertaining to your health. Connect with me on Google+
[url=http://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhypothyroidmom.com%2F300-hypothyroidism-symptoms-yes-really%2F&media=&guid=9YAPP7tZJhJL-0&description=300%2B Hypothyroidism Symptoms...Yes REALLY][/url][/font][/color]
[color][font][url][/url]Thanks to: http://hypothyroidmom.com/[/font][/color]