wanted to share this here Brothers and Sisters,
From Dinar Daily
As a Bioenery therapist (truesourcehealing.com) I speak on this subject all the time. Thoughts are energy, they are vibration.
Let’s go to the beginning. Everything came into existence because of a thought, and that thought became a spoken word. The word was a wave form, a vibration, let there be light was the start of all creation. (some call it the Big Bang)
We are all light. We are all Photons. With out the wave form hitting light there is no creation. Quantum Physics proves this. So does the Bible.
So thoughts are the start of a creation. We are all creators. Everything man can think of has or will be created. Now if we have negative thoughts we are creating negative wave forms. Those wave forms have an impact and will show up sooner or later as Dis-easement. When we start to believe these thoughts a chain reaction start and you become sick (Dis-ease). Healers around the world know this to be true. Bruce Lipton has written on this (Biology of your cells) as has many others. Today science is starting to catch up to this also. It is your thoughts that shape you.
Now to my point. Only you have control of YOUR thoughts. You can not control the thoughts or actions of others. It does not matter at all what they say or think of you. Their thoughts are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It is their thought not YOURS!!!
YOU have the choice and FREEWILL to allow other people thoughts, express though words to have an impact on you or not. It is because we are train to care what others say about us that causes so much pain in the world. Until someone has physically touch you they have caused you no harm.
I say to you do not give any energy (thoughts) about what people say. Especially friends and family who we think have are best interest. They can be the MOST harmful because YOU give their thoughts energy and allow those thoughts to become real.
Those are their thoughts and can DO NO HARM unless YOU allow it. This is hard to grasp in the beginning but with practice and research you we see that it is true.
I do not care or spend time on others negative thoughts. Besides if they are spewing their negative opinions it could and most likely is, they have a need to feel better by hurting their brothers and sisters.
Everything we do is to feel better. If it is for good or for bad we do it to feel better. A murder kills to feel better. A caregiver does care giving to feel better. Many studies have shown this.
So I say to you DO NOT CARE what others think or say about you. You will not change their minds. It is their thought. NOT YOURS. You know who you are and with that, you do everything to bring joy to yourself and others (if you choose) and life will become easier and more joyful as time goes by.
no link, i wrote this.
From Dinar Daily
As a Bioenery therapist (truesourcehealing.com) I speak on this subject all the time. Thoughts are energy, they are vibration.
Let’s go to the beginning. Everything came into existence because of a thought, and that thought became a spoken word. The word was a wave form, a vibration, let there be light was the start of all creation. (some call it the Big Bang)
We are all light. We are all Photons. With out the wave form hitting light there is no creation. Quantum Physics proves this. So does the Bible.
So thoughts are the start of a creation. We are all creators. Everything man can think of has or will be created. Now if we have negative thoughts we are creating negative wave forms. Those wave forms have an impact and will show up sooner or later as Dis-easement. When we start to believe these thoughts a chain reaction start and you become sick (Dis-ease). Healers around the world know this to be true. Bruce Lipton has written on this (Biology of your cells) as has many others. Today science is starting to catch up to this also. It is your thoughts that shape you.
Now to my point. Only you have control of YOUR thoughts. You can not control the thoughts or actions of others. It does not matter at all what they say or think of you. Their thoughts are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It is their thought not YOURS!!!
YOU have the choice and FREEWILL to allow other people thoughts, express though words to have an impact on you or not. It is because we are train to care what others say about us that causes so much pain in the world. Until someone has physically touch you they have caused you no harm.
I say to you do not give any energy (thoughts) about what people say. Especially friends and family who we think have are best interest. They can be the MOST harmful because YOU give their thoughts energy and allow those thoughts to become real.
Those are their thoughts and can DO NO HARM unless YOU allow it. This is hard to grasp in the beginning but with practice and research you we see that it is true.
I do not care or spend time on others negative thoughts. Besides if they are spewing their negative opinions it could and most likely is, they have a need to feel better by hurting their brothers and sisters.
Everything we do is to feel better. If it is for good or for bad we do it to feel better. A murder kills to feel better. A caregiver does care giving to feel better. Many studies have shown this.
So I say to you DO NOT CARE what others think or say about you. You will not change their minds. It is their thought. NOT YOURS. You know who you are and with that, you do everything to bring joy to yourself and others (if you choose) and life will become easier and more joyful as time goes by.
no link, i wrote this.