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1Embracing Simplicity Empty Embracing Simplicity Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:01 pm



March 2, 2014 by Wes Annac

Embracing Simplicity

Embracing Simplicity C86e8-humilityis9Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The extent to which some people complicate their lives is ironic, given that the greatest way to thrive is to live in simplicity. Rediscovering love from a place of simplicity will intensify the good things we experience, and we’ll appreciate our lives much more when we learn to stop wanting.
We have an immense amount of love to feel in this new era, and when we move beyond the ego and into a simplistic, heart-centered space, we’ll open up to the bounties spirit has to offer. In embracing a humble lifestyle that’s rooted in love and service, we enable ourselves to experience a much rapider growth.
I love living a life of simplicity, and I appreciate the small things that allow me to get a glimpse of the divine’s miracles. It feels good to surrender the ego and let spirit take over, because we open up to the beautiful and synchronistic things it has to offer when we do.
Our goal is to see the light and help others awaken, and from a place of love-driven humility, we’ll be able to perform our mission with relative ease. We’re here to awaken the planet, so why not diminish our ego-driven wants and become unhindered vessels for spirit?
When we learn to stop striving, we start receiving the divine in greater measures that we’ll appreciate more. Too many people let their egos keep them trapped in the lower vibrations, so let’s transcend this trap and see what the heart space has for us.
Like I’ve said before, we’re meant to enjoy ourselves as much as we can while we’re here. We’ll starve ourselves of any real enjoyment if we give in to mortal desires, but from a balanced yet lively place, we can feel a higher vibration in an intensely rich way.
Surrendering the ego and living in a place of simplicity will help us feel the love the heart space has to offer much more intensely, and I can say from experience that trying to live life through a mind-centered lens will only make it more difficult.
Difficulty will be a thing of the past when we embrace the balanced simplicity of the heart space, because we’ll no longer expect our lives to play out a certain way. We’ll flow with everything that happens, and we’ll offer ourselves in joyous service to the challenges we face.
Everything will become easier, because we’ll stop expecting our lives to go in a direction that satisfies the mind. We actually help others become aware by living humbly, because they’re able to understand humility’s importance and model their lives around it.
We can make our lives (and others’) much easier and better by getting out of our own way and letting love trump the ego when it’s easier not to. Permanent happiness can’t be found in satisfying the mind, but it can absolutely be found in opening up to the heart space and soaring from there.
No force will stop us from finding enlightenment and changing the planet, but the ego works very hard to make sure we fall short of our potential. Now that we’re becoming aware, we can clearly discern when we’re feeding into ego instead of the heart space, and this blessed discernment sees us able to realign when we fall out of balance.
Even though discipline is something we work to attain, it’s also something that naturally results from our efforts to reclaim love and live from a place of divinity. The spiritual teachers of the past were able to do the things they did because they embraced discipline and worked sternly to find enlightenment, and we can do the same thing now.
We can help the rest of the planet understand spirit by working from a heart-centered space, and discipline, along with simplicity, will increase the strength and potency of our efforts. The burning flame will be strengthened when we embrace these qualities, but we could drift away from our divinely ordained mission if we don’t.
The seekers of the past and present who’ve been driven to change the world have acted on the motivation the heart space provides, and we can each tap into this space and experience a wealth of inspiration. We’ll be able to do miraculous things from this space, and we’ll inspire myriad other seekers to want change the planet too.
We have the potential to change the world in ways that few people yet realize, and as long as we stand strong in the light and anchor the divine qualities by constantly expressing them, we’ll become vessels for spirit and successfully spread the wondrous things we’ll feel within to everyone who’s ready to feel them.
Some days, I’ll sit down to write after a wonderful meditation and find that I just can’t translate the energy I’m feeling into physical words, and looking back, I see that this was because I put pressure on myself to somehow match the material with what I was able to feel.
For me, the best creative times are when I completely surrender the mind and let the heart write through me, and to write the things I do, I use what’s been commonly referred to as the ‘inner voice’ (I call the process ‘divine writing’).
I’m starting to think that for me, surrendering the ego is the best way to write and live in general. Life takes on a much richer flavor when we live in love, and qualities like discipline and simplicity will help us feel the divine and serve humanity in a much greater way than vanity ever will.
As consciousness continues to rise, more people will understand the importance of simplicity and live their lives in accordance with the divine qualities, and for now, those of us who are becoming aware can make an effort to live in love and stand strong in the face of darkness or adversity.
We’re encouraged to embrace the simplicity the heart space provides, because we’ve only begun to understand just what we’re capable of. We can do big things from a small, humble place, and it’s our universal right to soar with wholeness and love.
Wes Annac – Encouraging the humble to thrive.
I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.
Photo Credit

Thanks to Wes at: http://wesannac.com

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