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New Is Not Always New ~ Ines Radman

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1New Is Not Always New ~ Ines Radman Empty New Is Not Always New ~ Ines Radman Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:00 pm



New Is Not Always New
Posted on April 9, 2014 by Ines Radman
Perceptions of an old New Age believer.
Our journey starts from the day we realize that something is not right or an event in our life forces us to see our reality we created.  I started my journey in 1981 after my son was born, during which time I had an NDE experience.  I was raised a Catholic and had completed all the rituals as a Catholic, but I never felt it was truth and nothing ever made sense.  My journey into the New Age movement started because the version of the Catholic God just didn’t fit into my NDE experience, it was the 80′s, it was at the time when Stuart Wilde was very active in his journey as well, he’s probably one of the few “gurus” that I still enjoy reading, he gives me something to think about and something to smile about.  I’m an old timer, been there, done that, so I can speak from my own experience what the New Age did for me, NOTHING.
My NDE was the “wake up call”, it was creator’s way of calling me in for a few minutes to awaken me or remember who I was, that’s how I see the NDE.  I realized I was immortal, a soul on many journeys, journeys that I chose in each incarnation, and the best part of all: It didn’t matter who loved me or if anyone loved me, what mattered was the Creator loved me and that I was part of creation, I was a co-creator.  I waded through the gurus and ascended masters, but very few taught me that I was a creator and that “knowing” was truth, not what someone else told me truth was.
New Age “Spirituality” is just another trap set by the Elite and inventors of religion, for the purpose of social control. People how aren’t buying into mainstream religion or have left their mainstream religion (patriarchal in nature), are in danger of finding true unified consciousness or Unity consciousness, which is exactly what the Elite/Cabal doesn’t want, so they created New Age Religion to keep the masses locked into the control Matrix.
I believe it’s their last ditch effort to hold people down, to keep the ones who are “getting away” or not buying into any type of authority from escaping their control.  This is not just my opinion, it’s my experience as I followed many gurus and spiritual leaders, but none of them ever took me anywhere, in terms of defining who I WAS and how to obtain what they were always preaching about. In other words, it may have changed my perception of how I saw my life, but it didn’t give me enough information to “know” why we are here and where we are going. The focus was on EGO and I AM, LIVING IN THE MOMENT crap that did exactly that, kept me living in the moment and not proactively make life changes I needed to sustain myself into the future.
Notice how the New Agers defend the very religions that have committed genocide on hundreds of millions of people using “I respect religions” as an excuse, and they even go as far as saying “people cause wars, not religions” but then ignore the fact that most of the world’s wars have been inspired by religious fanatism, dogma and theology. They are just hypocrites defending mass murderous cults and behaving no better than them.
Mainstream religions do not deserve to be respected, they need to be condemned based upon their hypocrisy, their mass murderous, genocidal actions and anyone who defends these religions is defending genocide. Sorry, this is going to anger a lot of people, but get over it!
The vast majority of new agers claim they are “spiritual but not religious” but notice how so many new agers believe in Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and other “Ascended Masters” as “historical people”. They are buying into bullshit and believing in these mythical deities in the total and complete ABSENCE OF ANY EVIDENCE just the SAME as mainstream religious folks.  Believing in fairy tales, myths and legends isn’t called being “enlightened”, it’s called being gullible and living in an illusion.
Many new agers also practice “looking up or following” other people such as “gurus” and “Saviors” etc., in very much the same way as religions look up to their Jesus and Buddha characters.  I’m not saying Jesus didn’t exist, I am just saying that his story was re-written to suit the ideology of “savior” complex.  When you look to someone or follow someone’s belief system, you’re giving away your own personal power, you are putting yourself down, lowering your self esteem which is exactly what the Cabal/Elite want.
People who are truly aware of unity consciousness do not look up to or follow anybody because they know that “God” and the “savior” are within us and part of us. We own our personal power and potential, we don’t go around giving it away to gurus and saviors as if they are superior to us.
That’s for followers, “sheep” not enlightened people. In fact, the Elite/Cabal are afraid of us and this is why they need to control us, they do not want us to find out who we truly are or our real true history.
Enlightened people know that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively and everyone is equal regardless of how much more of a “wise sage” someone appears to be, they are never better than  anyone else. They can be our teachers and mentors sitting beside us and not over us.
Generic “spirituality” is fine, but only if it involved 2 key elements.
1. The encouragement of unity consciousness and part of Source
2. The pursuit of unbiased truth.
New agers who defend religion ( I used to be one of them), despite the fact that it’s responsible for massive genocide are not engaged in UNBIASED TRUTH, they are engaged in hypocrisy. New agers worship gurus and mythic “Ascended Masters” are holding themselves powerless and allowing themselves to be controlled just like the people who buy into mainstream religions. New agers claim to be different but I beg to differ and I’m asking “How so?”
LOVE and TRUTH shall set you free, the rest is bullshit for ignorant sheep to follow which was created by the Elite/Cabal for social control.
I have no time for these frauds t hat preach love and light but demand love and light that separate themselves as starseeds, lightworkers, whitelighters etc.
If we are all equal, then why call yourself something different? They preach equality yet they follow ascended masters or gurus.
This is why I don’t have time for them and when I come across someone like that, I let them know how I feel. I know how they respond now, typical answer that I obviously don’t know how things work and should respect everyone’s belief systems.
Sure, I respect their belief systems but I think they are the ones that need to control their ego mind and lower themselves to humanity’s level, we are all equals in Unity Consciousness.
“The EGO is a Guru with a fool for a disciple”.

Thanks to: http://inesradman.wordpress.com

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