Ever since the invention of cell phones more and more cell towers have shown up in our communities, you will be amazed just how dangerous this is for human health. The invisible frequencies go into your body, your brain and cause many health problems.
Same with cordless phones in your home they emit dangerous RF frequencies when plugged into your wall. I myself went back to a landline, after buying a meter and seeing how many hundreds of feet I was being affected by the invisible frequencies.
Beware of these technolgies. What you cannot see may be affecting you and your family more than you know. Some communities have gotton rid of these towers when the public speaks out and demands change.
LEARN MORE About the Emerging EMF Public Health Issue from Scientists, Physicians and Other Experts at www.ElectromagneticHealth.org
Meters. You’ll find a range of meters and detectors here for electric, magnetic and radiofrequency fields, so you can start becoming an EMF detective. It is only when you measure the fields that you can know what fields are present, and how, and from what direction, to remediate with assurance. See Meters.
This clip was made a few years ago, however, the INFORMATION is current and crucial for you to know.