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Bill of Rights, Document 5, Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights….

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Bill of Rights, Document 5, Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights….

Posted on April 28, 2015 by David Robinson

Thorpe 5:3082–84 I. That all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and inalienable rights, amongst which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
We now find ourselves in a time where this other class of people are now actively engaged in genocide and destruction of the biologic fabric of the planet – disguised as Geo-engineering [in the writers opinion]; profiteering, criminal bribery, constructive fraud and are desperately trying to tank their false NWO economy – even though the planets elders have been on standby for decades to wipe out the FALSE debts created by the ZIONazi privatly held FEDERAL RESERVE military script ponzi scheme and restart the American economy with out any debt [See http://www.godskyearth.org as just one example]. Of course this would not suit TPTW that designed this system to collapse so that they could raise their phoenix (The OWO) from the ashes! Their MO being – “Out of Chaos – Order.” The same orchestrated acts of insanity are going on in all other nations under fire by the banking cartel! The real wealth holders of the planet are on standby to bail out all nations neutralizing the FIAT system Monopoly money & false debt and they are being blocked from doing so!
The truth known to the whole world now is that We the Peoples and the Peoples Trust were betrayed by selected leaders of the CROWN SYNDICATE and its domestic terrorist agents operating on the shores of North America and other Private Family’s who operate as a closed shop criminal cartel. Principally those that control finance and law who answer to those in the Vatican enclave of known as the Corporation of London. We are aware that our nation suffered its greatest blows by the shadow government in the lead up and post the orchestrated civil war. See the UNLEARN menu for detailed explanations on this conspiracy against the American People and the Republic.
Today – an increasing number are aware that a class of men operate a board of directors for a foreign US corporation unlawfully created in 1871, a Congress that has created a foreign law form outside of the original enumerated powers granted to the government. A parasitic class have infiltrated every seat of local, State and National government aided by the foreign BAR Association (CROWN Temple BAR) who now illegally run our courts (Administrative tribunals directed under a fiat bankruptcy / admiralty rules) even though the acts that required proper ratification under the Constitutions of most States was never Lawfully Ratified. What we have is insurrection!
This is certainly true in California and Oregon and all of the 50 States. TODAY!
Further the Original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from operating in these United States – the insurrection was enabled by the foreign BAR flies who were the ones that have handed our Republic to the Banking mafia. A re-affirmation of the still standing original 13th amendment will rapidly make BAR flies beholding to a foreign power incapable of holding any office in this country overnight. Such a move would peacefully, rapidly turn out of the People’s offices those beholding to a foreign power – like the CROWN and ZIONist interests that run America and the world today. It would also mean those holding two passports would also need to step down! In one simple move America’s troubles would be curtailed. Once re-Oathed and bonded, we would have our government back, our courts back and our banking back under the Republic and lawful money created by the States for the people at no interest and for no tax!
The irony is as far as I can tell – this amendment was never lawfully undone – all that was done was the actors created a near duplicate Corporate Constitution in 1871 that quietly rewrote the 13th amendment…
Those working to the tune of an international criminal cartel beholding to a secret agenda for humanity – one best described as a ONE WORLD SLAVE PLANET. This secret agenda was brought to our attention by John F. Kennedy seven days before he was assassinated and Dwight D. Eisenhower at his exit speech on Jan.17,1961 where they warned us of the threat of the military industrial complex to the American people and the world.
We know that the plan of the international cabal is diametrically opposed to the principles of Freedom, Independence and those foundational principles that at all men are created equal and are endowed with unalienable (un-a-lienable) rights that can’t be lien’ed away ~ licensed away!) rights; those that were enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence and that each State is sovereign in perpetuity.
The above realities came to light as we have directly experienced first-hand the blatant violation of our unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights, the violation of the sacred trust between the people and the once trusted, for their petty selfish personal, private financial gain, political favor, and their pursuit of control of all resources and power at any cost.
The tyranny perpetuated on ‘We the people’ across the world by the International criminal cartel has been at the expense of the sacred guarantees provided us for the health and welfare of all people. We are now witnessing a now daily erosion of individual Freedom and Independence in favor of creeping collectivism, Totalitarianism and a rapidly encroaching Fascist Global Police State.
Unending frauds now bring a bout a reality that is visibly, negatively impacting our daily lives, our quality of life, our environment, our families, our communities and the very fabric of the American Nation, all sovereign Nations worldwide and this movement now stands to jeopardize all life on this planet as these Dogs of War try to trigger yet another moronic war for the bankers profit and sadistic pleasure.
It is clear to anyone paying attention to this lunacy that the only programs being funded today are One World Government agendas – principally acts of Genocide – provably been directed by a Private Criminal Cartel – and programs aligned with the UN Agenda 21 – and designed to impose lunatic restrictions on all people. The lunatic fringe seek to commoditise or destroy the integrity of our food, air, DNA and water. They have created endless programs literally intended to cull the people in line with their desired number now enshrined in the NWO monument to Agenda 21, the Georgia Guide-stones to just 500,000,000 globally down more than 95+%.
Our Conclusion – We the People must take on the challenges of our time directly ourselves!

Thanks to: http://mainerepublicemailalert.com

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