BellaGrits at Intel4U Chat Monday Night
BellaGrits] Hope you all are having a great night....... things are looking very nice in the dinar world, as they have been for quite some time, right? We're just showing our remarkable patience ....ah huh..... just wanted to stop by and tell you all I have absolutely no negative news to report....
I have all good news headed in my, we just sit back and let this little RV run it's course..... and I just ran soonerfan62 off! LOL Things really look really good, peeps....and again, I thank you so much for your courtesy and your confidence in your team of Intel Providers and your great team of MODS!!!! I am keeping the lips sealed.....for YOU and for me.... :)
[ready4bank] BellaGrits how's jonny?
[BellaGrits] ready4bank doing great!
[snoop] devildogmom She said her lips were sealed... :superlachen:
[BellaGrits] ....and I have used over 19 rolls of duct tape on my little fingers to do just that!
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booyah] BellaGrits BellaGrits hi love you so so much!!! How is Jonny and his eyes??
[BellaGrits] booyah Jonnywg is doing really well...
[keiji] BellaGrits Can you tell us if the rest of the guys are excited?TY
[BellaGrits] keiji I dont know who isn't excited; how's that?
[kord] BellaGrits Please give Jonny our love and tell him we miss him.
[BellaGrits] kord sure will.... he is doing super great.
BellaGrits] I am so very proud of all of you in this chat room....I know how much this speculative investment has taken its toll on me and on YOU!!!!!!
[mstxstar] BellaGrits did Jonny have surgery on his eyes will keep him in our prayer?
[BellaGrits] mstxstar just testing, no surgery--he is doing super
Jeanne] BellaGrits could you come back and let us question you after you go to sleep? lol
[BellaGrits] Jeanne rut rohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'd tell it ALL!!!!!!
[showmethemoney] BellaGrits U are surely a nice person......but where is the meat?????
[BellaGrits] showmethemoney the meat? HMMMMMMMMMMMM, ...... very limited what I feel comfy putting out there.....please bear with jeopardizing this for anyone.....sorry.
[BellaGrits] I will tell you I had some awesome phone calls today all ear is even sore.....and stopped brain hurts....and it may be stopped up too!!! Anyway, it's been a great day, and I hope you can appreciate that remark
BellaGrits] Honestly, I tried to come in earlier today, but I promise my phone never stopped nor my skype.....I needed 4 arms today....
blueblaze1962] BellaGrits I don't know about anyone else but I'm so very tired of the wait and so tired of the same thing being said each and everyday....I guess that's a sign that it's time for me to get off chats and not care about this anymore til I get the email that says it's done...
[BellaGrits] blueblaze1962 all I can tell you is this...I give you all I can, and I give you guys my time and my best---everyone has their limit....and if you feel you need to pull back, it's okay. Things are going to be fine-- Let God be your Captain. He never fails us.
BellaGrits] You all are remarkable people-- I truly admire your tenacity...your endurance, and your strength....I am amazed at how long some of us have been waiting.....I truly feel we are all over the blessing, and I hope you are surely making plans for your POST RV....
[loumat] BellaGrits Hi,BellaGrits ...big night tonight????
[BellaGrits] loumat I always expect a BIG NIGHT!!! YOU KNOW ME!!! I am as positive as can be!
BellaGrits] OKay guys and phone is ringing more...and we don't want my ear to get a BREAK!
BellaGrits at Intel4U Chat Monday Night
BellaGrits] Hope you all are having a great night....... things are looking very nice in the dinar world, as they have been for quite some time, right? We're just showing our remarkable patience ....ah huh..... just wanted to stop by and tell you all I have absolutely no negative news to report....
I have all good news headed in my, we just sit back and let this little RV run it's course..... and I just ran soonerfan62 off! LOL Things really look really good, peeps....and again, I thank you so much for your courtesy and your confidence in your team of Intel Providers and your great team of MODS!!!! I am keeping the lips sealed.....for YOU and for me.... :)
[ready4bank] BellaGrits how's jonny?
[BellaGrits] ready4bank doing great!
[snoop] devildogmom She said her lips were sealed... :superlachen:
[BellaGrits] ....and I have used over 19 rolls of duct tape on my little fingers to do just that!
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booyah] BellaGrits BellaGrits hi love you so so much!!! How is Jonny and his eyes??
[BellaGrits] booyah Jonnywg is doing really well...
[keiji] BellaGrits Can you tell us if the rest of the guys are excited?TY
[BellaGrits] keiji I dont know who isn't excited; how's that?
[kord] BellaGrits Please give Jonny our love and tell him we miss him.
[BellaGrits] kord sure will.... he is doing super great.
BellaGrits] I am so very proud of all of you in this chat room....I know how much this speculative investment has taken its toll on me and on YOU!!!!!!
[mstxstar] BellaGrits did Jonny have surgery on his eyes will keep him in our prayer?
[BellaGrits] mstxstar just testing, no surgery--he is doing super
Jeanne] BellaGrits could you come back and let us question you after you go to sleep? lol
[BellaGrits] Jeanne rut rohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'd tell it ALL!!!!!!
[showmethemoney] BellaGrits U are surely a nice person......but where is the meat?????
[BellaGrits] showmethemoney the meat? HMMMMMMMMMMMM, ...... very limited what I feel comfy putting out there.....please bear with jeopardizing this for anyone.....sorry.
[BellaGrits] I will tell you I had some awesome phone calls today all ear is even sore.....and stopped brain hurts....and it may be stopped up too!!! Anyway, it's been a great day, and I hope you can appreciate that remark
BellaGrits] Honestly, I tried to come in earlier today, but I promise my phone never stopped nor my skype.....I needed 4 arms today....
blueblaze1962] BellaGrits I don't know about anyone else but I'm so very tired of the wait and so tired of the same thing being said each and everyday....I guess that's a sign that it's time for me to get off chats and not care about this anymore til I get the email that says it's done...
[BellaGrits] blueblaze1962 all I can tell you is this...I give you all I can, and I give you guys my time and my best---everyone has their limit....and if you feel you need to pull back, it's okay. Things are going to be fine-- Let God be your Captain. He never fails us.
BellaGrits] You all are remarkable people-- I truly admire your tenacity...your endurance, and your strength....I am amazed at how long some of us have been waiting.....I truly feel we are all over the blessing, and I hope you are surely making plans for your POST RV....
[loumat] BellaGrits Hi,BellaGrits ...big night tonight????
[BellaGrits] loumat I always expect a BIG NIGHT!!! YOU KNOW ME!!! I am as positive as can be!
BellaGrits] OKay guys and phone is ringing more...and we don't want my ear to get a BREAK!