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Letter of No Confidence in the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and the ITNJ BAR Association

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Letter of No Confidence in the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and the ITNJ BAR Association

Posted on Thursday, August 13, 2015 by Light Worker 29501

Earlier this year, I volunteered with the ITNJ. Once I discovered Sacha Stone was involved, it came to my attention that he is essentially “damage control” for the dark ones. I quietly disappeared. Now, the truth is coming out.
My hat is off to those who finally came to see Sacha Stone for who he really is.
Every day, we are seeing more and more stories of the dark side collapsing. What will September 22-24th hold in store? It’s exciting! -LW

Letter of No Confidence in the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and the ITNJ BAR Association

Including “New Earth Trust”

This notice is hereby made public by certain members of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (hereafter “ITNJ”) USA Law Team from their perspective and experience and this LETTER OF NO CONFIDENCE published publicly, and the reasons for said Notice given below:
Rebecca Cope offered her services as ITNJ Director to Sacha Stone, Greg Paul via email in 2014, and assembled a team of approximately 15 – 20 people who had the understanding they were to create a court of natural law, help find ways to fund it, help through media to promote it, and bring in volunteers and groups who would provide support. A model with a plan to create a grand jury and funding in time for a projected launch in late 2015 was shown and considered by everyone; several updates to the plan were created and distributed with no objection by anyone; and this model, complete with grand jury involvement, was the goal the USA team would strive to achieve. The emails below detail the plan created by Rebecca Cope in 2014.


I was shown this plan when I heard of the ITNJ and contacted Rebecca Cope to ask for more information and then offered my assistance.
Sacha Stone attended almost every USA Team weekly call; the grand jury, PAG / prosecutor model was discussed often. Rod Class also attended many of these calls. Crowdfunding was planned and implemented, the websites were created and made live, and the media began to promote the ITNJ all over the internet in advance of a ceremonial seating of the first ITNJ Chief Justice scheduled for the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta on June 15, 2015 – the reason given was that all eyes would be on Runnymead at that time, and Westminster Hall was available and would bring much attention to the event.
Later, John Walsh decided to stop attending the core team call, his reason being that knowing he would be seated as chief justice, it would be a conflict of interest were he to continue attending as he might hear details about a possible case Rod Class would submit to the tribunal.
The ITNJ Constitution was drafted by Walsh and his team and sent to the ITNJ core team for review. When the core team reported back they had issues with how it was drafted, some small changes were agreed to and made, while others appeared. Previous drafts were sent to the USA team as the latest drafts – and the document had to be gone over word for word the night before the ceremonial seating, June 14, 2015 – as mention of the grand jury had been “inadvertently” (as explained later) removed from the document. The goal of the USA team was to take the grand jury model and effectively remove the final authority from the judge – as had historically existed but been co-opted and taken over by special interests over the years. Two members of the USA team also paid for and obtained the written opinion of a well-known author and expert in trust law and sovereignty; he reported finding loopholes and other inconsistencies.  You can view the constitution at http://itnj.org.
It became curious to note that each draft of the ITNJ constitution continued to make it open-ended and literally powerless unless you were the court’s chief justice; more judges seated wouldn’t help, as any other ITNJ judges appointed couldn’t be judges unless they were current or former BAR members to begin with – evidenced in the ITNJ Constitution and described as “appropriate legal qualifications,” the definition of which has never been given – and as it stood would never be accepted by the USA team, nor the groups it was forming partnerships with. The USA team never formally accepted the ITNJ Constitution as final; in fact, as it was set out to be a “living” document in the first place (another flaw on its face) subject to change left me to ask, “then what’s the point?”
The ITNJ BAR Association: Anyone who understands the times we live in today also understands most problems facing humanity are directly related to crimes perpetrated on the people of the world by the most heartless of mankind. This includes bankers, world leaders, politicians, judges – and lawyers. Most politicians and all judges are lawyers. The ITNJ Oath, even if taken, will not supersede any other oath. This is confirmed by the chief justice himself on the June 15, 2015 recording of the ceremonial seating, posted on the internet and made public. The ITNJ BAR Association, although on one hand allows “big names in the legal field to come together for natural justice,” also can be seen, and used, as a safety net for some of the most heinous criminals on the planet. There was nothing written in either policies and procedures, or the Constitution, to explain how this would be avoided. As more questions about these issues came from the USA team, the responses became accusations that they were attacks on integrity – and the USA team was being “rude.” This amounts to nothing but “lawyerspeak,” a typical method of shifting responsibility to answer the question by accusation.
Problems in communications continued as the pressure was put on the USA team to answer as to where payment for a $260,000+ invoice including Walsh’s expenses during a ten day visit to the UK for himself, his wife, and his two assistants, for the seating, would come from as though it was to provide an answer. The USA team never asked for funding, and it was made clear to them that it would not be funded by New Earth / Humanitad / or the crowdfunding campaign and it isn’t clear to this day where the funds are, some $15,000 to $25,000 at this time.  The USA team was also never told they would be responsible for raising the funds to pay Walsh’s invoices, much less were advised in advance there would even be any to pay.
A court case filing fee of $2,000 per case (which was common in Australia according to Walsh) was discussed as though it should be considered to “keep frivolous cases from flooding the ITNJ.” An additional reason given was the court needed to be funded in some way, and this was far from the original plan, where crowdfunding and international support would be the primary funders of the tribunal. Many other fees according to country were discussed but never finalized, as the push to take in cases continued, and the reasons the ITNJ was not ready were relayed (such as the constitution issues) many times but were never resolved.
In July 2015, the case of a sitting ITNJ Law Commissioner came to the attention of Walsh, Stone, Cope and Rhoades, which outlined massive fraud that would be perfect for exposure of many corrupt corporations. In the letter, the Law Commissioner stated 1/3 of any financial judgment in her favor would be paid to the Australian team for their efforts and requested a call be had as soon as possible between the parties to discuss. Rebecca Cope promptly refused to engage in this conversation citing a complete conflict of interest after Walsh replied that he and his team had looked over the case and would be happy to have a discussion about bringing the case before the ITNJ.
More curious events became visible; the appearance of Caleb Skinner speaking about contract law and delegation of authority – that people who are “stupid enough to delegate their authority to a judge deserve what they get,” and other statements completely unrelated to building and operating a court of natural law were made with no objections from Stone or Walsh as being out of the scope of the topic of the ITNJ’s mission. A fully informed jury (education to anyone who volunteered would be offered free of charge through the Natural Justice Academy) was passed off as “indoctrination.” Communications began to break down further as it was clear the USA team and the UK and Australian teams were clearly not on the same path.
Shortly thereafter, three self-appointed “Trustees” of New Earth Nation / Humanitad / ITNJ held a meeting absent Rebecca Cope, ITNJ Trustee and member of the ITNJ Board of Directors, voting “no confidence” in her as ITNJ Director. In the same email, Sacha Stone stated the USA team would be “dispersed to other parts of the ITNJ” with invitations offered for them to remain within its structure, possibly in other positions that would be defined for them.
It is a fact that the USA team came to being under Rebecca Cope’s direction – powered only by the free will choice of all the volunteers who gave their time and energy to the project, absent any “authority” from her or anyone else. The USA team neither asked for, nor received, compensation for their time and signed no contracts delegating their authority to anyone on the project.  Therefore, the “Trustees” have absolutely no lawful authority to disband the USA team, much less hold a closed-door meeting to vote to remove Rebecca Cope as ITNJ Director.
The USA team could not be controlled; could not be swayed from its original goal, and did not follow the template they were gradually led to, over a period of months, to accept as a court of natural law.
It is the USA team who built a model, made transparent through conference calls, writings and blog posts, media outreach, and various interviews and internet shows with the team behind the plan. The team was pulled in many directions, rushing from deadline to deadline, unfunded and unprotected from harm, of its own free will choice. The notion this team would be “rearranged” and its volunteers placed in other, defined positions within its system by some purported “authority” because of “chaos” within it, would only exist if you’re willing to swallow that pill.
Accusations the USA team was creating “separation” and “division” as it insisted its plan could be a base for the international committees to work with as they saw fit, or not, (assuming its Magna Carta basis would be applied) were made, surprisingly, by the very people who admitted on many occasions they knew nothing about law.
The purported “authority” did confirm Rebecca Cope still has status as a Trustee Emeritus / member of the Board of Directors if she decides to stay on, but no matter, as their authority is an illusion as no one person ever delegated authority to them in the first place.
If the USA team were to continue to have problems working with Walsh on the open-ended constitution, the exorbitant invoices he expected payment for, and his newest creation, the ITNJ BAR Association whose oath does not supersede any previous BAR Association oath, not to mention his willingness to take on a case before the ITNJ from a sitting Law Commissioner who offered one third of a multi-million dollar settlement to him and his law team before the court was even operational, it would stand to reason, if the agenda of the “authority” was transparency and honesty, that these facts alone would be grounds for him to be voted out of the office of Chief Justice, simply because of the appearance that by his “authority” he is re-creating the same court system structure that brought so much suffering to the world. The fact that none of the USA team’s concerns was addressed to their satisfaction, and the purported “authority” raced to his defense each time, indicates the authority over all of these people may ultimately lie with Walsh, no matter what he does.
We are equals on this planet, no matter how many titles you carry behind your name, what friendships you’ve formed, what countries you’ve traveled, your age, the cost of your shoes, your public image, your years of education and the big names you say you hang out with. The notion we are anything but is only what we choose to believe.
Further, who holds the authority in a court “for the people, by the people?”
If what the USA team did under the direction of Rebecca Cope serves to change the path the ITNJ will choose to take from here, then it delivered its model as promised. The USA team may not be visible through the ITNJ, but it has most definitely not been “disbanded and dispersed.”  It will continue it work through the Natural Justice Academy and Adventures Into Sovereignty.  Thank you, Rebecca, for your undying love of freedom, your passion for truth, and for standing up to those who would question your leadership of this most dedicated group of people.
Of note is the following, all in ultimate control of New Earth Trust:

  • New Earth Communities (land ownership in particular, please see the documentation describing this – everything is owned by “New Earth Trust” and you own nothing);
  • New Earth Media;
  • New Earth Project (education);
  • Law and Governance (within the New Earth Project and slated to join hands with the ITNJ as New Earth Tribunal);
  • New Earth Financial System; and now
  • The ITNJ BAR Association.

Although it is entirely possible that the intention of New Earth Trust, et al. is for the good, one must only rely on the validity of the information it puts out as well as the integrity of the people behind its structure. I let the facts as I know them speak for themselves. It is ultimately up to us to verify and share the knowledge.
It might be helpful to read the Secret Treaty of Verona. This document, according to the US law team researchers, basically “canceled out” any benevolent effects of the Magna Carta as the King bowed to the whims of the Vatican and gave the power to not one, but two popes. More information on that is to come on a future Adventures into Sovereignty show.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the people involved in these projects for making themselves, and their regard for humanity (or lack thereof), quite visible for all to see.
Sue Rhoades, former Chief Admin/ Registrar, ITNJ
Without Prejudice

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Thanks to: http://lightworker29501.com



The INTJ is Finished, Done! ~J

Posted on August 14, 2015 by Jean
Maybe one day everyone will also figure out the truth about the NLA and John Daresh. They’ve been talking the good talk for at least a year that I know of, and nothing every happens.
Listen to the audio interview between Drake and John HERE, from about one year ago, and maybe you will begin to understand why.
*   *  *  *  *

Please Feel Free to Share on Your Networks the Following Public Notices:

Public Notice of Rescission of Signature and Support from ITNJ and New Earth by Dr. Christina Winsey

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