I do believe that Camalot is a misinformation site. With that said, I found this there as most sites contain some facts. This is what I believe to be true about the dinar. No planes landing, or circling, or promises of a perfect time for this rv......I am so sick of these gooroos and their misleading of the public....
* You May Publish*****
* Extremely Unusual Banking Procedures.
* I'm very sorry to be writing you concerning this subject, however I feel I have to under these circumstances.
* I am not a light weight in this matter.
* I have confirmed contacts within BIS, ABN, Credit Swiss, UBS, HSBC, Bank Of London, and other high level Banks Worldwide to confirm my findings.
* The blocking of the current Rv Status is as follows.
* The Powers that Be (Powers That Were) are currently blocking the transfer of the revaluation of world currencies for the reasons to stop the transition of funds to the public.
* It is understood within this group, that if power (financing) were to be transferred to a private group, or individuals, would in fact be detrimental to it's effects. Thus effective to our outcome.
* In essence. "This cannot be allowed". (Quote from upper level Banking individual)
* End of Line. -- From a Source
* You May Publish*****
* Extremely Unusual Banking Procedures.
* I'm very sorry to be writing you concerning this subject, however I feel I have to under these circumstances.
* I am not a light weight in this matter.
* I have confirmed contacts within BIS, ABN, Credit Swiss, UBS, HSBC, Bank Of London, and other high level Banks Worldwide to confirm my findings.
* The blocking of the current Rv Status is as follows.
* The Powers that Be (Powers That Were) are currently blocking the transfer of the revaluation of world currencies for the reasons to stop the transition of funds to the public.
* It is understood within this group, that if power (financing) were to be transferred to a private group, or individuals, would in fact be detrimental to it's effects. Thus effective to our outcome.
* In essence. "This cannot be allowed". (Quote from upper level Banking individual)
* End of Line. -- From a Source