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Drake Update about Neil Keenan - September 5, 2015

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Drake Update about Neil Keenan - September 5, 2015

 Drake Update about Neil Keenan - September 5, 2015 ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fexopolitics.blogs.com%2F
Because I’ve not heard from Neil, I started checking into ‘things’. A source in Europe, who is connected in finance, told me a few things. Says Neil Keenan is the talk of the Asian and American banking system… Why? It seems $1.7 Trillion is real, according to Asia and America. Then the icing on this cake, the ‘cirtificates’ were Authenticated! Could this be true? Neil must be working overtime behind the scenes… There you go, unvarnished Truth. Enjoy!  ~Drake Bailey

Posted by enerchi at 9/05/2015 02:39:00 PM

Thanks to: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com




September 6, 2015
 Drake Update about Neil Keenan - September 5, 2015 Image17
Here’s Drake’s take on the wave. Your thoughts? He’s a scientist now…hehe
Drake Kent
The Wave and Sacred Geometry
I don’t propose to be an expert, but, there are several correlations between the coming ‘Wave’ and Sacred Geometry.
The Galactic spin, the energy output of our Galaxy, the attitude (angle) of our Galaxy, and the fact that we are located on one of the tendrils or arms.
Add our complex solar movement, and Sacred Numerics, Vortex parameters, and last but not least, all the huge numbers of energy patterns, and this could get l o n g…
In generally simple terms, a wave of very special energy is about to impact our solar system.
This might be considered an ‘adjustment’ wave/energy.
Our solar system, planet, and all of us are to get an attitude adjustment.
Due to the lack of good info on Vibratory Physics, mankind is kind of out of it. When what man has done to our planet is added, it does get messy. Fragmented input/output, warped waveforms, and our Mother Earth, Gia, gets to put up with the combinant of all these influences.
Gia got an upset stomach and requested relief.
In order to portend to all these complexes, very specially designed waveforms of very complex energies were made.
In a waveform, this will appear in two forms within each other. If you could get it to register on an oscilloscope.
One researcher outlined what he designated as The Matter Egg.
I took that concept, some of his drawings, and reset The Matter Egg to Gematrian, or Sacred Numbers.
This caused the sign wave seen in plane geometry. However, this new concept offered a spherical wave, self propagating, and kept the infinity found in The Spiritual.
When perceived correctly, it changes the configuration of the observer’s mind.
In aerodynamic understanding, our planes are required to be able to withstand a variety of outside forces.
To be able to compensate, understanding atmospheric anomalies was/is critical.
One effect found around mountains is a ‘barrel roll effect’. Sort of like a tube of moving air that lays horizontally to the ground, rolling.
Sacred Geometry offers the student an understanding based on ‘platonic solids’.
When applied to ‘reality’ as this wave is, many concepts and all the parameters are changed.
Think in terms of any and all the solids inverting within themselves while maintaining their integral base forms.
Instead of ‘solid’ as we know it, think of energy flowing within and without at the same time.
The Tetrahedron being the bassist first form, shows how its various characteristics are used in the formulation of all other shapes.
The triangle was used to formulate the circle from a centering that allowed an arc that intersected all its points. This was expanded into The Sphere.
All arcs are based in nature on the Fibonacci Count. This is the Golden Mean most are familiar with.
When the ‘mechanics’ of these are combined, an infinite pattern results.
As these parameter conditions are met as a complex, you get a form of The Creation ‘Wave’.
The designate ‘wave’ is of a kind that uses Energimatta in its effects.
Thus, it can have physical effects and non-physical effects combined together.
The perceived effects will take a form of a whirling swirling static cloud.
The ‘physical’ effects will be similar to a strong storm front passing.
Those whom are ‘advanced’ and schooled in Sacred Geometry and Gematria, may actually be able to ‘see’ forms, shapes, and numbers.
Most will witness a lot of static charges and their effects.
Some will be dumbfounded by the differences, while others will get a nice whoopee feeling.
Many of the things people are familiar with may be changed, some a lot, some not so much. Irrespectively, expect changes of all kinds, as this affects everything known.
The changes will not be anything any person can’t handle.
Man has had a double helical DNA chain, but we are about to have our third returned to us and activated.
When you lean two equilateral triangles up together, sides matching, this will show a third side. When the third side is added, this shows a base. When a Tetrahedron is suspended, all sides and its base are equal. It is the balance relationship of the three sides that engenders the fourth side.
Just as a tired needs balanced, all the plants, critters, people, and Gia are about to experience getting balanced.
In terms of Sacred Geometry, Sacred Numbers, and energy, consider the extreme complexity of the coming wave.
Something so awesome that it will reset ‘everything’.
Funny, but our creator does seem to have a sense of humor. Think Duck Billed Platypus.
This wave has been made to be ‘Yummy’ to everything. Remember the tickle in your belly when the car went over a hill just a little fast? Think of that in terms of the energies that will impact you.
A lot of people talk about a reset, well now we get to participate in one of the greatest.
There have been other negative resets, and as such the Tower of Babel is one example. The records indicate that as soon as the ‘confounding’ happened, the fights started.
Man’s ability to work peacefully together was removed.
This coming wave is supposed to fix that among other things.
All of this is designed to be fully beneficial.
A blessing? I suggest, ‘Exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think’.

Thanks to: https://outofthisworldx.wordpress.com

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