Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock - Free Energy Should be Free - Breaking Though a Century of Cabal Deception
It seems that the road to Full Disclosure is just as eventful as the disclosure event itself is likely to be. We have been through numerous events and revelations, all of which have opened our eyes and our minds to new possibilities.
As we have observes, the Positive Earth Alliance has been strategically dismantling the cabal's control structure piece by piece. We find this Alliance taking one step after another toward awakening the masses to the existence and influence of this crime syndicate, disclosing cabal secrets left and right, and continually presenting better alternatives to their former draconian, anti-humanistic control.
Within the efforts of the positive Alliance, we see the disclosure of numerous revelations. Last week, we covered the cabal's international drug smuggling schemes, as well as their efforts at poisoning our food and water which, in tern, has created our perpetual need for their dangerous pharmaceutics. In this article, we add to these disclosures a direct opposition to the cabal oil cartels, which have monopolized the energy market for over a century.
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These numerous disclosures signify the dissolution of the cabal's control over the media, and the onset of a freer and more open media structure. Much of the evidence of this progress comes to us through strategic hacks accomplished by the Alliance, and the revelation of some of the most sensitive secrets once hidden by the 'Powers that Were'. It is here where we begin our discussion.
Another Hack to Remember
As discussed last week, the Alliance has gained miles of ground on the undoing of cabal influence. One of the ways in which they have accomplished this has been by infiltrating various offices of the American government and gathering sensitive intelligence which will likely help to legally disempower the cabal permanently.
There was one particular data hack which left a significant dent in the image of the security of the United States government. This was a collection of sensitive data from the email of the president himself. This particular instance was actually mentioned in last week's article. (I guess I accidentally telegraphed that one.) However, during this discussion, Wilcock give greater detail on the impact of this particular seizure of data. Here is the New York Times from with the story.
WASHINGTON — Some of President Obama’s email correspondence was swept up by Russian hackers last year in a breach of the White House’s unclassified computer system that was far more intrusive and worrisome than has been publicly acknowledged, according to senior American officials briefed on the investigation.
The hackers, who also got deeply into the State Department’s unclassified system, do not appear to have penetrated closely guarded servers that control the message traffic from Mr. Obama’s BlackBerry, which he or an aide carries constantly.
But they obtained access to the email archives of people inside the White House, and perhaps some outside, with whom Mr. Obama regularly communicated. From those accounts, they reached emails that the president had sent and received, according to officials briefed on the investigation...
Others confirmed that the White House intrusion was viewed as so serious that officials met on a nearly daily basis for several weeks after it was discovered. “It’s the Russian angle to this that’s particularly worrisome,” another senior official said.
While Chinese hacking groups are known for sweeping up vast amounts of commercial and design information, the best Russian hackers tend to hide their tracks better and focus on specific, often political targets. And the hacking happened at a moment of renewed tension with Russia — over its annexation of Crimea, the presence of its forces in Ukraine and its renewed military patrols in Europe, reminiscent of the Cold War.
As David Wilcock explains, at this point the cabal is basically helpless at watching their secrets slip away into public view. However, this does not deter them from their cheap attempts to demonize their opponents, and to feign innocent victimhood. Wilcock points out that within this article, the NY Times is likely attempting to claim that Russia is the same boogeyman they were seen as during the Cold War.
Generally speaking, those behind the corporate (cabal) media are attempting to portray Russia as evil because they know that their own secrets are slipping away. By selling this rhetoric, the cabal-controlled portion of the U.S. government reveals itself to be in a mode of damage control. (Consequently, this is reflected in news reports.) The ironic part is that in blaming the Russians for executing this hack, the article is most likely accurate, as Russia is a primary member of the Earth Alliance.
Generally speaking, those behind the corporate (cabal) media are attempting to portray Russia as evil because they know that their own secrets are slipping away. By selling this rhetoric, the cabal-controlled portion of the U.S. government reveals itself to be in a mode of damage control. (Consequently, this is reflected in news reports.) The ironic part is that in blaming the Russians for executing this hack, the article is most likely accurate, as Russia is a primary member of the Earth Alliance.
Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock - “The Cabal’s Downward Spiral” - Assessing the Final Days of a Crumbling Cabal, and a Prelude to Breakthrough
One point which Wilcock makes is that when the media uses the term “State Department” they are actually referring to the CIA which is a bit odd. By definition, the duty of the CIA is to work toward the interests of the United States in foreign countries. In contrast, it is the job of the FBI to deal with domestic issues. If the CIA is, in fact, overstepping its jurisdiction in this way, this may mean that the cabal-controlled portion of the U.S. government considers the American people to be foreigners and not actual citizens. If this is true, it would also explain the ridiculous spying campaign this paranoid and over-anxious, cabal-controlled government seems bent upon. As Wilcock states, the use of the term “State Department” is used so that people don't catch on to what is actually happening. By my observation, this reveals an overt, internal hostility which the acting United States governance holds toward the American citizenry.
What is the difference in jurisdiction between the CIA, the FBI,the US Marshals, USSOCOM and the NASA?
Let's consider the coercive tactics of the corporate media for a moment. This media monopoly has attempted to demonize numerous reputable people whose only crime was in opposing the twisted antics of the cabal. Numerous whistle-blowers such as Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Bradley/Chelsea Manning have been attemptedly demonized by the cabal-controlled media specifically because they chose to reveal the secrets of a textbook crime syndicate.
This media attempted to claim that these heroes were all nothing but “treasonous traitors”, and that they deserved the worst punishment possible. The media did this while deliberately ignoring the testimony of these men which involved the crimes against humanity which the establishment was habitually committing. In fact, by my observation, the accusation of these men further proves that the acting U. S. government considers its own people to be enemies. By their accusing Edward Snowden of treason when all he did was give American documents to the American people, the acting U.S. government basically confessed to its own betrayal of the American people. (See the legal definition of "treason" here...
The Free Dictionary – Legal Definition - Treason .)
The Free Dictionary – Legal Definition - Treason .)
We may note that even though the puppet media sang this tune of the "treasonous whistle-blowers", the public didn't buy any of it. As Wilcock points out, the media had to drop the narrative because they realized that their attempted manipulation wasn't working. By my observation, this reveals two things. These are the facts that there is only so much manipulation the people will accept, and that the cabal thoroughly over estimated itself on its ability to manipulate anyone.
This cabal considered itself to be all-powerful and supreme over all, and then through a few acts of the positive Earth Alliance, they realized they were only on borrowed time. Now, as we see this crime syndicate circling the drain, I believe this point has been further realized.
Free the Energy!
As David Wilcock states, one of the largest, most significant elements of full disclosure is the subject of free energy. This method of converting natural processes into renewable and useful energy has been discovered by numerous people using various methods. We have the Searl Effect Generator, or the SEG, the Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator or RLG, and the Earth Electron Captor Generator. These have reportedly been proven in the lab to be sustainable, and to be verified overunity devices. (Though there is much opposition online from Google, from the corporate media, and from religious skeptics to the idea of free energy in general, I consider such strong opposition to be a sign that there is something to these machines, as well as the overwhelming bias of those who blindly claim their supposed falsehood.)
To this list of alternative energy devices, we can now add one more which may be just as revolutionary as the rest. This finding comes to us from the auto company Audi. Here is The Daily Mail with the story.
To this list of alternative energy devices, we can now add one more which may be just as revolutionary as the rest. This finding comes to us from the auto company Audi. Here is The Daily Mail with the story.
Audi has created a so-called 'green' diesel fuel made using a combination of water and carbon dioxide.
The car manufacturer described its breakthrough as the 'fuel of the future' and claims it could provide a carbon neutral way of powering vehicles.
Experts used renewable energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into a form of crude oil known as 'blue crude', which was then refined into diesel.
Tests have shown it can be mixed with diesel from fossil fuels, or used as a fuel in its own right.
Audi has already begun using the new e-diesel to power the official car of German minister of education and research Dr Johanna Wanka.
Reiner Mangold, head of sustainable product development at Audi, said: 'In developing Audi e-diesel we are promoting another fuel based on carbon dioxide that will allow long distance mobility with virtually no impact on the climate.
'Using carbon dioxide as a raw material represents an opportunity not just for the automotive industry in Germany, but also to transfer the principle to other sectors and countries.'
The new fuel was developed by Audi along with Sunfire, a Dresden-based energy technology company.
To make the fuel, water is first heated to form steam, which is then broken down into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen using high-temperature electrolysis.
By performing this process at temperatures above 800°C (1,472°F), the water breaks down with greater efficiency than at room temperature.
The hydrogen is then pumped into a reactor with carbon dioxide at high pressure and high temperatures.
This causes them to react to produce long-chained liquid hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbons are the basic building block of all fossil fuels but the compounds produced in the reactor are known as 'blue crude'.
Audi claims the whole process can be powered using renewable energy and can be achieved with an efficiency of around 70 per cent.
The blue crude can then be refined in a similar way to standard crude oil to produce e-diesel.
This process seems to be revolutionary, and yet surprisingly simple. In basic chemistry, we know that we can get hydrocarbons by combining hydrogen and carbon atoms at high temperature, but as we have seen, simple doesn't always come that easily.
Brazilian Firm Goes To Market With Free Energy Generator Capable of Powering Two Average Size Houses
As Wilcock explains, this blue crude is only the beginning. Sure, it may seem revolutionary to think that we could run our cars on a new, reproducible form of fuel (and it very much is), but as Wilcock explains, Audi has been doing much more than just creating blue crude. On that subject, here is Time Magazine.
An Audi research facility in Dresden, Germany, has managed to create the first batches of diesel fuel with a net-zero carbon footprint — made from carbon dioxide (CO2), water and renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power.
Germany’s government has welcomed the new technology, created in partnership with a greentech company called Sunfire. Johanna Wanka, Germany’s Federal Minister of Education and Research, even test drove the fuel and called it, “a crucial contribution to climate protection and the efficient use of resources,” according to an Audi press release.
Think for a moment about the significance of a cabal-controlled media platform such as Time Magazine printing an article such as this. This flies in the face of everything the cabal has built within the petrol-chemical industry.
[url=https://books.google.com/books?id=e3glCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT481&lpg=PT481&dq=cabal+oil+companies&source=bl&ots=96OWiCDah2&sig=gUhyuTWv2sTmz4NYS3Zv3eN68-o&hl=en&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjg9ZWQvd3NAhVl34MKHVsjDO4Q6AEIKDAB#v=onepage&q=cabal oil companies&f=false]Book - The Transparent Cabal - The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel[/url]
Oil is one of the cabal's most coveted natural resources to the point that they are largely unable to survive without it. Throughout the 20th century, they have spent immeasurable amounts of energy meticulously building and manicuring the oil and energy infrastructures just to get to this present point. In doing so, their corporations have either ignored or dismissed every other alternative as secondary to this finite, dirty means of energy production and transportation (as any Google search for alternative energy will prove).
There have been numerous superior, alternative sources of electrical generation (both in performance and in environmental preservation), and yet none of these have been admitted by the establishment to be as beneficial as they truly are. This is what makes the disclosure of Audi's development so significant.
There have been numerous superior, alternative sources of electrical generation (both in performance and in environmental preservation), and yet none of these have been admitted by the establishment to be as beneficial as they truly are. This is what makes the disclosure of Audi's development so significant.
Volkswagen Brands and Products
So we have Audi not only producing alternative fuel in a clean and renewal way, we see them doing away with hydrocarbon emissions altogether. In the above article, we see that Audi has produced a fuel which gives off nothing more than steam (and possibly the amount of CO2 that was in the fuel to begin with). This is unheard of, and means that it is presently possible to get off of fossil fuels permanently.
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David Wilcock describes the possible impact of every car on the planet being converting to this water and CO2-based fuel. We would no longer have to breath toxic fumes constantly and then wonder why we and so exhausted and sick (aside from consuming toxic food and drugs). We would no longer have to dirty our skies with brown clouds of gaseous waste while pretending not to see the fact. We would also be able to drive from one end of the country to the other on a cheap and easily reproducible fuel. There is seemingly no downside to implementing this technology, other than a change in the infrastructure required to produce it.
"Audi claims to have created the fuel of the future - diesel (shown above) made from water and carbon dioxide. Experts used renewable energy to convert the carbon dioxide and water into a form of crude oil known as 'blue crude', which was then refined into diesel" |
We could have this alternative fuel now. However, the impact of cabal influence is still something we need to shake off. This is the very reason the Alliance has been pushing forward with these disclosures. As Wilcock states, it is they who are making these progressive changes, and allowing the public to be aware of the truth behind the curtain of secrecy. This is because before any change can take place, we must first have knowledge of the present state of things, and then consciously choose a better alternative.
(This principle of consent is typically why we see various announcements of monumental disclosures, but then later, we wind up waiting for the actual disclosure. It is understandable that some might be frustrated in these cases. However, it should be understood why this happens.
We know that in order for the cabal to do anything at all, they need the consent of the people beforehand. Otherwise they are unable to accomplish any of their schemes. This principle works in a positive sense as well, in that Alliance must openly tell us what they plan to do and then wait for us to consent.
Until we consent, they are unable to act. It should be known though that the Alliance actually cares about the Law of Free Will and does not attempt to trick us into consenting like the cabal does. This is why they openly tell us what they plan to do. This can be frustrating for some of us, as people may believe that a particular change is coming immediately. However, the proper time must be given in order for consensus to be reached. This is commonly why we see announcements of monumental disclosures without the immediate disclosure itself. However, even within such cases, there are a number of ways to speed progress along. The simplest of these is to spread the word.)
(This principle of consent is typically why we see various announcements of monumental disclosures, but then later, we wind up waiting for the actual disclosure. It is understandable that some might be frustrated in these cases. However, it should be understood why this happens.
We know that in order for the cabal to do anything at all, they need the consent of the people beforehand. Otherwise they are unable to accomplish any of their schemes. This principle works in a positive sense as well, in that Alliance must openly tell us what they plan to do and then wait for us to consent.
Until we consent, they are unable to act. It should be known though that the Alliance actually cares about the Law of Free Will and does not attempt to trick us into consenting like the cabal does. This is why they openly tell us what they plan to do. This can be frustrating for some of us, as people may believe that a particular change is coming immediately. However, the proper time must be given in order for consensus to be reached. This is commonly why we see announcements of monumental disclosures without the immediate disclosure itself. However, even within such cases, there are a number of ways to speed progress along. The simplest of these is to spread the word.)
Water-Powered Cars & Inventors Killed
The story of this energy alternative is extremely significant. To add to it, there is an aspect of the story which has quite a connection with David Wilcock himself. A few years back, Wilcock was invited to a meeting in the country of Italy where he and a number of engineers were to be given a presentation of this technology first hand. They would then learn the details of a simple, automotive-conversion system which could be applied to any car, and would actually allow cars to run from the fuel which these devices continually generated without any other fuel source needed. However, as he explained, to go to such a meeting would be a death sentence (to use his words), as the cabal has typically sabotaged such opportunities. (This sabotage has often come in the form of plane-crashes and assassinations.)
Free Energy: Searl Effect Generator
Personally, I would have loved to see this technology first hand, though I can understand the apprehension. The world is at the point now where cabal influence is nothing but a dwindling hope of a few wealthy narcissists. This influence has come near the point of complete extinction, and I am anxious to see technologies like this new Audi system come into the light of day for the benefit of all of humanity.
Within the discussion, David Wilcock mentions the fact that a good portion of Germany is sided with the Alliance, and that this disclosure was initiated by the Alliance within the German government for the purpose of dismantling the cabal's industry of dirty energy. Another interesting fact which he mentions is relative to the significance of the city of Dresden.
Wikipedia - Bombing of Dresden in World War II
Near the end of the second World War, the cabal--in their funding both sides of the war--decided to bomb Dresden, Germany not for the sake of typical strategic advantage, but as an attack on the morale of the Nazi soldiers. The city of Dresden was reportedly not involved in the war, as all of the residence were artists and creatives in German society. The Allies would claim that it was a significant, military target in order to justify their killing of thousands of civilians. However, the cabal-controlled Allies made the same claim about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and these were also attacks found to be completely unjustified. These were attacks on innocent people perpetrated for the purpose of killing the morale of the Axis soldiers.
Dresden - The Worst War Crime Of WWII - 600,000 Dead
So when we see the Alliance using this location of Dresden to mount their attack at the heart of the cabal's financial infrastructure (oil), there is likely significance and deliberate communication by the Alliance from this choice of location, according to Wilcock.
There is quite a bit of history behind the secrecy in Western society, which the Alliance is now uncovering. On the subject of both past and current technological breakthroughs, and the secrecy that has hindered them, I doubt there are many who are more familiar with this secrecy than Dr. Steven Greer. Below, I have included a lecture by Dr. Greer for those interested in learning more of the tactics of secrecy, as well as how this secrecy is being dismantled.