Neil’s Response
To The Asian Insider
August 6, 2016 / Keenan Team | GroupK My friend, I just want to say thank you for all the kind things you’ve said about me. I appreciate them, each and every one. I want you to know that no matter what was said, the final decision as to what I do with my life is mine alone.
I am not going to do a tap dance because I hear I am wonderful, as I continue to ponder what still needs to be done. As I’ve said over a long period, it might be time for me to delegate responsibilities and move forward.
I would do so with the understanding that my name will be on the agreements; it is I who will be responsible for everything.
I can live with traveling back and forth to Indonesia or any other Asian nation once a month to look things over, but I don’t believe for one second I will want to stay and deal with things that others can do well.
I believe my job is nearly done. Once I acquire the financing to finish this, I will move on to another phase. It is here where I will bring the experts in to deal with the various sub-matters we will be facing.
I have dealt with this intensely for approximately 4 years, so nothing is new or strange. I never thought I would continue on once I got it to where I was comfortable with it and where it could begin to run itself.
It is all about people my friend. This is where the win comes from; nowhere else.
My God, it has come a long way, and I don’t need to sit at the top of any mountain.
I’ve had a wonderful ride and should it end, then so be it. I would not have done anything different.
Also, remember this is not over with yet, so entitling me with the next whatever is not the right way to do anything. When it is done, then you can call me whatever name you wish, as I am sailing my ship into the sunset.
You will see me waving goodbye with a once a month stipend to make sure everything is okay. This will be my job, and everything else will be in the hands of those trusted ones that I hand pick.
You best believe that Group K, and I mean all of them, will be finding themselves in the “fires of hell” once this phase is completed! It will not be an easy task, but they are all up for it.
I cannot wait to see them at work doing what they do best with the latest equipment and banging things out one after another. Boy, will it be fun to watch them finally get the recognition they have always deserved! You may not know them yet, but they will become household names in the future.
I still have so much work to do, and you, Sir, are attempting to rope me back into the Accounts and deal with them in a capacity that someone much more qualified than I can do. That includes every department that will be created, whereby I will find the right people for the right jobs.
Just think of all the Asian people who will get to work on making sure Asia is compensated for the losses they have incurred at the hands of the Western banking system.
Then again, think about how the American people are going to feel when they start rebuilding the good old US of A with no need for any political system to finance things.
This is going to be a fun time for us all. Likewise there are more than enough qualified people to deal with it.
What I am trying to say is that overseeing this operation is enough for me. Once or twice a month I’ll check in on things to make sure everything is running smoothly.
I am very tired of being held up for so long by relentless Cabal tactics. It would not matter if I had access to sufficient funding that I need to finish this up now. But I don’t!
If I do shortly, then watch how it is done! It will be as easy as taking candy from a baby – maybe even a new Obama Executive Order. Check and see.
Furthermore, I do not see your power extending this far, yet mine does, so this is most likely my plan. I want to and need to get back down to the basics.
Fighting this long battle has been a hoot for me, but it should have been over long ago. The lack of serious interest in their own safety by the people on this planet has stunned me!
I am one of the last guys you would have thought could have taken things this far. But it’s been a tremendous competition, and how I love to compete! What could be a better stage than the battle for the Earth and its peoples!
Wow! Thanks to all for putting up with me day and night for years, especially during the times when I had no idea what I was doing. Those days are long behind me now, and they’re nothing more than good memories. There are so many things for me to look back at and say, “Did I do that?” Sometimes I just shake my head.
Yes, there is so much more to do once this phase is finally in order. You will find me securely walking away from what was built from the lawsuit on up.
We have not seen anything to completion yet, so don’t get carried away with anything. Once it is done, this is what I expect to see: I will be around as per mandate, but let’s let the others enjoy the show when they can.
Thank you, Sir, for keeping your eyes on me. I love your valiant attempt to keep me in place, but my place will no longer be in this battle once it’s finally over.
Unbeknownst to you, I have spoken with the family, and they understand clearly that I might want to go. They have never heard anyone say such a thing to them before, but the tough job is nearly done now. Let someone else do what he or she needs to do to venture onward.
As my job nears completion, hopefully it finishes as you seem to feel it will… with us on top. If I have disappointed you in any way, I’m sorry for this.
However, there may be others who also have more vested interests in this besides me. They are the ones I will feel for.
By the way, with so many rapid changes occurring daily in the world, I reserve the right to change my decision. As you know, I am very tired although still working very hard at things. Sometimes the long hard hours catch up with one’s clear thinking.
Thank you again for all the well-meaning compliments, but save them for your wife. I am sure she would love to hear such nice things herself, coming from you.
At that time it will be my decision to make, and if you wish to thank me then pat me on the back and that will be plenty. But remember we are talking about a new financial system including the Global Collateral Accounts which will be a tremendous international undertaking.
We are not talking about a large bank, we are talking about a huge financial concern. And it may just take more time than one might expect to get everything to the point where the lending of funds as well as the roll-out of humanitarian projects begins.
We are talking about many quadrillions of dollars and this cannot be allowed to just sit there as it has for the past one hundred years or so, nor may it be illegally used. And so there is still much work to do and I am not going anywhere until the work is done.
Let’s forget the premature accolades and get this over with so we can move on to the battle confronting us at this time. It’s not over.
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