Steady As She Goes
Zen Gardner
by Zen Gardner
Well, I sure didn’t see this coming. I have talked about the wild times advancing on us, the awakening, the growing division, the veil lifting, and here we are. It will continue to escalate so hang in there. It’s all for our good if we have the guts to navigate it, but it will continue to unravel and pick up speed.
Be vigilant and stay centered and grounded most of all.
I’ve enjoyed this ride very much. I love the people I’ve met and connected with, getting to feel their hearts. The information and perceptions are just a means to connect, to share the deeper things that are available to all of us while clearing away the rubble and illusion. We lose perspective some times, as can be expected, but it’s all about heart and digging deep to find the true source within us.
From there we’ll operate in compassion and humble yet fearless conviction.
Many wonderful people are awakening and I’m proud to have been part of all of this, and will continue to be in some way, shape, or form of spiritual influence. There are plenty of amazing people who can continue on; this isn’t dependent on any person or group of people. It is what it is, and we move and grow with it.
The ego is easily triggered, we all experience it. That some have gone somewhat unconscious in their reactions is understandable in this environment and knowing what we all grew up with and our intense abusive system entrainment. This particular phenomenon regarding me is ironically being fueled by sources many have said they don’t trust – media hype and false and questionable or ill intentioned sources, as well as those with an ego driven agenda. I agree there are startling aspects to be taken on board, but it should have been responded to consciously, not frantically, fearfully, mean-spirited and incredibly irresponsibly.
Much of what I’m saying here and in my last articles and videos may not sit well with some people, but it’s the truth. The dynamics I point out are intended to expose how this whole parasitic system works and how so many fell for it, while professing they knew it so well. The fact is, it doesn’t take much to set off very complex mechanisms based on our personal life experiences, fears and deep personal issues, never mind quite powerful spiritual influences that are just waiting to wreak havoc. We’ve gotten to witness all of that in full bloom.
It’s all part of the test. And our ongoing education. No one will escape this process, any more than we can escape death.
It’s strange, too, how love is touted so much as being the answer by this same collective. We don’t really know what love is yet. Forgiveness and tolerance are completely incongruous and counter intuitive in a world based on judgement. We say we believe in love yet we want justice. We trust our hearts but obey our minds. It’s time to transcend.
And all of this was a good test, as will succeeding tests that will be right on the heels of this one.
I’m honored to be the focal point for this, even though it’s cost me everything I held dear in this life. But that’s a good thing, letting go is a well known solution. It’s just when the collector comes for those dearest to you and any sense of stability or frame of reference it gets pretty strange, disorienting, surreal and deeply challenging in ways you’ve never experienced.
But so be it. I’m being broken down and destroyed in one reality and placed into another. I’ll take it. Full on. And I’m honored.
Thank you all again for your loving support and inspiration. This is all working for good. I’ll be around and moving into my next adventurous phase, mostly self discovery and healing and getting back to a truly grounded life, as will you. I’ll find a way to stay in touch. I’m collecting the emails of sane and loving people off the comment section but if you need a contact address for me, use But please be easy on me for a bit, it’s time to recuperate. Thanks.
I asked for the unknown and I got it. Deep inside I’m very excited but in a very different, unnervingly quiet way, but most of all I’m humbled to the bone and standing very alone – and quite empty.
And it feels right.
I’m awaiting the trade winds. They’ll come and take me where they may.
Meet you past the horizon. The unknown is calling. And it’s worth the price.
Love always and all ways,
Thanks to Zen at:
Zen Gardner
by Zen Gardner
Well, I sure didn’t see this coming. I have talked about the wild times advancing on us, the awakening, the growing division, the veil lifting, and here we are. It will continue to escalate so hang in there. It’s all for our good if we have the guts to navigate it, but it will continue to unravel and pick up speed.
Be vigilant and stay centered and grounded most of all.
I’ve enjoyed this ride very much. I love the people I’ve met and connected with, getting to feel their hearts. The information and perceptions are just a means to connect, to share the deeper things that are available to all of us while clearing away the rubble and illusion. We lose perspective some times, as can be expected, but it’s all about heart and digging deep to find the true source within us.
From there we’ll operate in compassion and humble yet fearless conviction.
Many wonderful people are awakening and I’m proud to have been part of all of this, and will continue to be in some way, shape, or form of spiritual influence. There are plenty of amazing people who can continue on; this isn’t dependent on any person or group of people. It is what it is, and we move and grow with it.
The ego is easily triggered, we all experience it. That some have gone somewhat unconscious in their reactions is understandable in this environment and knowing what we all grew up with and our intense abusive system entrainment. This particular phenomenon regarding me is ironically being fueled by sources many have said they don’t trust – media hype and false and questionable or ill intentioned sources, as well as those with an ego driven agenda. I agree there are startling aspects to be taken on board, but it should have been responded to consciously, not frantically, fearfully, mean-spirited and incredibly irresponsibly.
Much of what I’m saying here and in my last articles and videos may not sit well with some people, but it’s the truth. The dynamics I point out are intended to expose how this whole parasitic system works and how so many fell for it, while professing they knew it so well. The fact is, it doesn’t take much to set off very complex mechanisms based on our personal life experiences, fears and deep personal issues, never mind quite powerful spiritual influences that are just waiting to wreak havoc. We’ve gotten to witness all of that in full bloom.
It’s all part of the test. And our ongoing education. No one will escape this process, any more than we can escape death.
It’s strange, too, how love is touted so much as being the answer by this same collective. We don’t really know what love is yet. Forgiveness and tolerance are completely incongruous and counter intuitive in a world based on judgement. We say we believe in love yet we want justice. We trust our hearts but obey our minds. It’s time to transcend.
And all of this was a good test, as will succeeding tests that will be right on the heels of this one.
I’m honored to be the focal point for this, even though it’s cost me everything I held dear in this life. But that’s a good thing, letting go is a well known solution. It’s just when the collector comes for those dearest to you and any sense of stability or frame of reference it gets pretty strange, disorienting, surreal and deeply challenging in ways you’ve never experienced.
But so be it. I’m being broken down and destroyed in one reality and placed into another. I’ll take it. Full on. And I’m honored.
Thank you all again for your loving support and inspiration. This is all working for good. I’ll be around and moving into my next adventurous phase, mostly self discovery and healing and getting back to a truly grounded life, as will you. I’ll find a way to stay in touch. I’m collecting the emails of sane and loving people off the comment section but if you need a contact address for me, use But please be easy on me for a bit, it’s time to recuperate. Thanks.
I asked for the unknown and I got it. Deep inside I’m very excited but in a very different, unnervingly quiet way, but most of all I’m humbled to the bone and standing very alone – and quite empty.
And it feels right.
I’m awaiting the trade winds. They’ll come and take me where they may.
Meet you past the horizon. The unknown is calling. And it’s worth the price.
Love always and all ways,
Thanks to Zen at: