This is IMO pretty incredible.
I found this on the web. Julian Lennon tells how his father once said that if anything happened to him he (John Lennon) would contact Julian with a white feather to tell him he was OK.
When the love of my life started presenting me with white feathers I had no idea they were from Her until the kept coming in.
She gifted me with a beautiful white feather again today.
At 0.58 he mentions the white feather and how he was presented a white feather by an indigenous tribe in Australia that led him to helping them.
I found this on the web. Julian Lennon tells how his father once said that if anything happened to him he (John Lennon) would contact Julian with a white feather to tell him he was OK.
When the love of my life started presenting me with white feathers I had no idea they were from Her until the kept coming in.
She gifted me with a beautiful white feather again today.
At 0.58 he mentions the white feather and how he was presented a white feather by an indigenous tribe in Australia that led him to helping them.