Published on Oct 2, 2017
HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF FILES PAPERS FOR HEARING Yes, regardless of how much my unapproved FaceBook friend Anna Von Reitz tries to dismiss her efforts, I still consider what Heather is doing to be an important part of humanity’s liberation from the cabal criminals to be essential. I received this from a mutual friend: “These are the documents that Heather recorded today to complete her deadline for filing documents for her hearing on October 18, 2017.” There are 134 pages in the filing, written, of course, in legalese, which is a distortion of the English language for malevolent intent as part of the criminal operation to take over the entire planet for the sole benefit of charlatans who have betrayed humanity. Some suggest that the betrayal is part of a higher plan that demonstrates the dark side of sentient potential. I wanted to say human potential; but it seems incorrect to call the charlatans human. At best, they are subhuman. Anyway, I am hoping for Heather’s and Anna’s success in their endeavors to free us all.