In every interaction expect to find a loving response
10/14/2012 by John Smallman
Your awakening is divinely assured, and you know that deep in
your hearts. Make a point of going to that place within frequently each
day, where awareness of your divine nature dwells, to remind yourselves
of how dearly your Father loves you, because it is very easy for you to
be wholly caught up in the distractions of daily living, and so forget
your reason for being on Earth right now.
You are all conduits for His Love, and it is essential that you keep
those conduits fully open so that the love within each one of you can
awaken and join with His Love as It flows through you constantly to
inspire, uplift, and engage with all of humanity. This is your task;
you know it. And your innermost desire and hope is to engage with it as
fully as you can. So be open, generous, accepting, compassionate
listeners, sharing God’s Love by just being yourselves – and not the
masks of confidence and perhaps indifference that many of you have
become accustomed to put on when dealing with the distractions of the
illusion (daily life) – thus helping to bring in the New Age for which
all are yearning. It is coming, it will arrive very soon, but your open
and loving input is an essential and irreplaceable part of that
Every guide, teacher, or mystic who has entered into your world to
offer you help to find your way Home, no matter what religious
persuasion they represented (if any), has emphasized repeatedly that
following a path of love, acceptance, and forgiveness is the only way to
go. At last that message is being widely heard and understood, and so
it is leading you rapidly towards awakening.
In every situation, in every interaction expect to find a loving
response, and make it happen by engaging from the first moment openly
and non-defensively, because that is the way to bring it about.
Whenever you start off defensively the other party feels it instantly –
you are after all beings of spirit, pure energy, and energy recognizes
energy – and will often erect their own defensive shield in response.
You came to share love, and to do so you must make the first move in
that direction. When you meet someone who is also doing this you feel
it instantly and a wonderful bond is established between you. Expect to
experience this with increasing frequency as more and more of you clear
out your blocked or silted-up love conduits.
Maybe you have had the experience of unwinding the garden hose in
spring to water your garden, and the water has refused to flow. You
worked your way along the hose and found spots where frozen water had
been retained, insulated from the warmth of spring by the windings of
the hose. Once those spots were thawed the water flowed freely. Well,
many of you have had your inner love conduits similarly blocked because
you had frozen your love inside you – perhaps through fear, or perhaps
because you thought it was a sign of weakness – but now, with the
intensity of the divine Love field enveloping you, those frozen
blockages are dissolving, and all over the planet people are opening in
love for each other and for the planet.
Spring has arrived and will lead inevitably to summer because the
love that is awakening within humanity is irresistibly pushing forth
buds that will soon burst forth as the most glorious blossoms. A time
of great joy approaches for humanity — a time of which you have dreamed
and for which you have long been hoping. The signs of spring are all
around you, if you will look for them, and you know that summer always
follows spring.
Allow these wondrous signs to inspire and uplift you so that your
hearts sing! Then your energy frequency rises, and the uplifting effect
you have on all with whom you meet and talk intensifies, encouraging
them to explore and expand their own visions of a society in which all
are honored, respected, accepted, and loved. As the visions of a
beautiful and harmonious environment in which all live well, creatively,
and abundantly absorb your attention, the intention of the collective,
of which you are all part, changes to bring it into effect.
The divine field of Love that enfolds you is guiding you steadily and
purposefully homeward, because you have set your intentions in
alignment with your Father’s Will for you, which is that you hurry Home
to take part in the celebrations that He has prepared to welcome you.
With so very much love, Saul.
Thanks to:
10/14/2012 by John Smallman
Your awakening is divinely assured, and you know that deep in
your hearts. Make a point of going to that place within frequently each
day, where awareness of your divine nature dwells, to remind yourselves
of how dearly your Father loves you, because it is very easy for you to
be wholly caught up in the distractions of daily living, and so forget
your reason for being on Earth right now.
You are all conduits for His Love, and it is essential that you keep
those conduits fully open so that the love within each one of you can
awaken and join with His Love as It flows through you constantly to
inspire, uplift, and engage with all of humanity. This is your task;
you know it. And your innermost desire and hope is to engage with it as
fully as you can. So be open, generous, accepting, compassionate
listeners, sharing God’s Love by just being yourselves – and not the
masks of confidence and perhaps indifference that many of you have
become accustomed to put on when dealing with the distractions of the
illusion (daily life) – thus helping to bring in the New Age for which
all are yearning. It is coming, it will arrive very soon, but your open
and loving input is an essential and irreplaceable part of that
Every guide, teacher, or mystic who has entered into your world to
offer you help to find your way Home, no matter what religious
persuasion they represented (if any), has emphasized repeatedly that
following a path of love, acceptance, and forgiveness is the only way to
go. At last that message is being widely heard and understood, and so
it is leading you rapidly towards awakening.
In every situation, in every interaction expect to find a loving
response, and make it happen by engaging from the first moment openly
and non-defensively, because that is the way to bring it about.
Whenever you start off defensively the other party feels it instantly –
you are after all beings of spirit, pure energy, and energy recognizes
energy – and will often erect their own defensive shield in response.
You came to share love, and to do so you must make the first move in
that direction. When you meet someone who is also doing this you feel
it instantly and a wonderful bond is established between you. Expect to
experience this with increasing frequency as more and more of you clear
out your blocked or silted-up love conduits.
Maybe you have had the experience of unwinding the garden hose in
spring to water your garden, and the water has refused to flow. You
worked your way along the hose and found spots where frozen water had
been retained, insulated from the warmth of spring by the windings of
the hose. Once those spots were thawed the water flowed freely. Well,
many of you have had your inner love conduits similarly blocked because
you had frozen your love inside you – perhaps through fear, or perhaps
because you thought it was a sign of weakness – but now, with the
intensity of the divine Love field enveloping you, those frozen
blockages are dissolving, and all over the planet people are opening in
love for each other and for the planet.
Spring has arrived and will lead inevitably to summer because the
love that is awakening within humanity is irresistibly pushing forth
buds that will soon burst forth as the most glorious blossoms. A time
of great joy approaches for humanity — a time of which you have dreamed
and for which you have long been hoping. The signs of spring are all
around you, if you will look for them, and you know that summer always
follows spring.
Allow these wondrous signs to inspire and uplift you so that your
hearts sing! Then your energy frequency rises, and the uplifting effect
you have on all with whom you meet and talk intensifies, encouraging
them to explore and expand their own visions of a society in which all
are honored, respected, accepted, and loved. As the visions of a
beautiful and harmonious environment in which all live well, creatively,
and abundantly absorb your attention, the intention of the collective,
of which you are all part, changes to bring it into effect.
The divine field of Love that enfolds you is guiding you steadily and
purposefully homeward, because you have set your intentions in
alignment with your Father’s Will for you, which is that you hurry Home
to take part in the celebrations that He has prepared to welcome you.
With so very much love, Saul.
Thanks to: