Epstein Aftermath — Will The Arrests Ever Happen?
December 29, 2019
By Jason Bermas
The FBI has finally announced that they are beginning to investigate Ghislaine Maxwell and others.
However, with so many oversights already taking place since 1995, what kind of faith should the public really have in the outcome of any investigation?
Jason Bermas takes a deeper look at the documents that have yet to be released and what we should expect from this potential show investigation.
Thanks to: https://www.activistpost.com
December 29, 2019
By Jason Bermas
The FBI has finally announced that they are beginning to investigate Ghislaine Maxwell and others.
However, with so many oversights already taking place since 1995, what kind of faith should the public really have in the outcome of any investigation?
Jason Bermas takes a deeper look at the documents that have yet to be released and what we should expect from this potential show investigation.
Thanks to: https://www.activistpost.com