You need to ask yourself why, in the midst of a food shortage, would any authority stop you buying seeds or gardening supplies?
April 5, 2020 Pam Vernon
Here we have the new world order advocates … the ones who profess sustainable practices … the liars I’m sorry to say at the top of the pyramid … preventing two US states from buying seeds or gardening supplies. This is in Maryland and Vermont. Where next? This short video from the channel of Ice Age Farmer highlights the food shortages & the reasons for them. I’m briefly summarizing the main points. Ranchers can’t get their stock processed … (so we’ll have to eat I suspect that fake processed poison they’ve been itching to foist on us). The BBC reports 2,000 garden centers and nurseries are throwing out their plants and supplies! Ontario has shut down community gardens. (Whatever happened to social distancing in the gardens then, or the nurseries? It’s being managed pretty well in the supermarkets note). Canada has failed to include the entire agricultural industry under essential services. Food not an essential service? Milk producers are being ordered to dump their supplies. There has been violence at the supermarkets in Latin America and Italy. India’s entire tea industry is about to collapse and oil production there is grinding to a halt. And eggs are rotting in the warehouses because get this, there aren’t any cartons to put them in! In short the entire food industry is being shut down.
So, if these people were what they say they are, and cared like they profess they do, they would not be stopping you from growing your own food. I’ve mentioned this often over recent years, about saving your own heirloom seed because the giant corporations have been quietly buying up the seed companies. We know that’s about monopoly and nothing to do with your convenience or health. Plus they have hybridized the seed so you have to return next year to buy more. Remember the plight of Indian farmers who suicided because of the financial ruin caused by this evil set up. The only sustainable thing about this scenario is profits for corporations.
If anything illustrates their real intent with all of this lockdown it is the banning of seeds. This is absolutely outrageous and very wrong. There is absolutely no way that any risk of disease can justify this. Remember Kissinger’s infamous quote?
“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”
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