What is the Law of Correspondence and how is it related to the law of attraction? In this presentation I explain through analogies and metaphors how both these universal laws of reality creation operate at a very fundamental level to shape our lives and destinies. Both the Law of Correspondence and the Law of attraction when seen through certain metaphors can really help us understand how and where consciousness intersects with so-called ‘outer reality’ to shape, align and manifest possible realities into being. If you are acquainted with the law of attraction and manifestation work but would like to go deeper and know more about how the law of correspondence comes into the equation, follow the talk till the end of the video.
Download Free eBook https://cutt.ly/ohrGZbd (The Four Elements of Manifesting Magic & Miracles) In this second part of the presentation 'The Law of Correspondence vs. The Law of Attraction' I discuss three important key ideas: 1. Thoughts and feelings are Living Patterns of energy & information 2. The Universal phenomenon of Entrainment (and its partners Coherence & Resonance) 3. The Path of Least Resistance (prelude to Part 3)