Some Wisdom from Within
May 12, 2016 Ines Radman
When consciousness is available, then this dynamic world can be seen but when it’s not available like in a deep sleep for instance, there is no world, there are no relatives, there is no religion, there is no physical life. When consciousness is available, which we can call the waking state, at this moment; then this active world comes into play.
Then, something arises as the experiencer and there in front of it is that which has been experienced. And then there is the function of experiencing and all of them is the content of in play of the one consciousness. As I write this, all this is happening within the dream of consciousness, on behalf of the Absolute which does not need to converse.
Who enters its own dream at what point is it beyond a dream? One should contemplate these things, because such contemplations reveal your own Buddha nature. You can go around studying so many things but this is the quintessential discovery, this thing to find and you can find it here right now. You speak about: ‘my soul’ or ‘my spirit’ or ‘my essence’, but these are just at the present, shapes of other concepts. Even the soul we speak of is just another spiritual image, you are the perceiver of it. Can you show your soul?
You are here, you are that vital intelligence, that sentience without which nothing can shine or can be seen. Why reduce or confine your consciousness to merely poverty consciousness?
Everything is coming and going. Has anything come and stayed? While the consciousness is present, you can talk about these things. You can talk about war and peace and this and that, you can talk about rent and family, religion and beliefs. All of this you can talk about because you have the aid of consciousness. When consciousness is not here in this form, that dualistic possibility, are you not you? Are you not also here? The waking state has risen up in front of you, but you’re still here, it didn’t replace you, you’re at the very root of it but somehow we’re still holding on to a self-image and with that self-image, all the confusion comes. Are you aware of your self-image? If you are aware of your self-image then where are you, then immediately you are imageless.
How do we identify with our container?
We don’t identify with anything. For once, stop identifying with anything. Don’t identify. Because if you say: “Ok, I identify, now how do I do it? How to be what you are? How to be? Be very still or not. It has nothing to do with the body coming or going, or if the thoughts are plentiful because they can’t exist without the weakness of them. Who is the weakness of them? Experience.
Can the weakness be found phenomenally? No, it cannot and yet it’s there. If you notice then don’t say: “I want to know in my heart” because this can only be known in your heart. We think and believe that a lot of things are stopping or preventing us. Nothing is stopping you. You’re not going somewhere to be stopped. You are before what stops and what starts because your weakness is stopping and starting. You are attributing so many things to your that don’t belong to you. Nothing belongs to you yet in this way nothing can exist without you. What a paradox and what a mystery.
Why do we suffer from such lack of trust? Don’t trust. Neither trust nor mistrust, leave it alone. If we don’t trust, there is a lack of trust. Don’t get into the category of trusting or not trusting because trusting or mistrusting; you’re aware of both. You don’t belong to that category, it’s not required to trust or mistrust.
What remains? There is nothing you have to be or any posture you have to take up. What remains? Calmness? Calmness is a beautiful perfume that comes when you stop touching things. Stop pushing yourself and making demands on yourself. Don’t touch any condition. Don’t say: “Yes, when and then”.
What stops you from being, what’s in your way?
You just feel you can’t? Leave that thought alone.
Don’t think, don’t imagine, don’t create. What is here now? Don’t make anything precious, let it come and go, it doesn’t belong to you. We make so many contracts: “Oh but I’d like to do this or stay longer, I have goals”, and there comes your trouble. Everything comes and goes. We create as many monsters around the thoughts and feelings that we wan’t to stay or go.
We put obstacles in front of something which is the infinite which in itself has no obstacles. You are the infinite as the aspect of existence in the feeling I AM. The taste of existence in this body consciousness, you are consciousness but as soon as consciousness is in this body so does identification with the body and it becomes “I am the body”.
Then environment. I am the context, I am the thinker, I am the thinker of thoughts, I am the doer of actions. All of this, all the beings are drowning because this weight is too much. Don’t touch anything, don’t cling to anything. Taste everything. When they come, let them come. When they go, let them go.
Then you will come to know intuitively that you are not what which comes and goes. Sink inside your own self. Be one with what you already are. Be patient but not waiting and then you’ll come to see an energy, a power is moving this body and it moves with this harmony, your natural harmony, your cosmic harmony. Then you only have to go outside and take a look and see how it is when you are not in your harmony.
You don’t have to read the news or books, go and look and listen and you’ll see how it is when you’re not conscious and respectful and aware of your inherent harmony. Don’t touch anything.
That’s not to say you don’t take your cup of tea or go for a walk, that’s not called not touching, let everything happen. Not touching means not clinging. Don’t identify yourself as this or that. It’s not needed. Your Being is not a coward, it doesn’t have to compromise. The beingness does not know of compromise, it only knows compassion. The sense of being a person is only your outer costume. Just as you wear a shirt, but you know you’re not the shirt. If you have been practicing spirituality for a long time and if avoidance is at the root of it, you will never know complete freedom.
You don’t consciously recognize your power. Thought cannot exist independent of you. We put our power in the wrong places. We give it away. The mind has got a gun to your heard and only because you think you have a head to put a gun to it.
You have to say yes to your truth, internally. A yes means yes to your fullness. We don’t bargain, we don’t compromise, only an intuitive yesness. We’re always thinking: Not yet, maybe, getting there, waiting for the kids to leave home or whatever it is that you put something on. You are worthiness itself but maybe your attitude is not worthy of you.
You won’t let go of your I, because it’s a worker bee, it can’t stop because there is no trust underneath. We’re brought up in this environment where we have to do, think, worry, survive so we don’t trust life. You only have to understand this and you have unleashed your power so long as you don’t pretend to trust.
I’m sure you heard of muscle testing. A subject is asked simple questions which requires simple yes or no answers. If the subject is lying, the arm resistance fails completely. If the subject tells the truth, the tester can’t push the arm downwards. There is resistance.
What I realized about this is that if you are willingly not truthful, the vital force doesn’t support you. The vital force in existence in your own body doesn’t support self, the Universe is not supporting you. It is instinctual for us to trust but something caused the Ego/mind to be in the driver’s seat of our life that you don’t know your beautiful nature.
Our minds have hijacked our being and so all thought manifested creates that reality. We compromise ourselves because we identify with a body and a mind, the mind is constantly diverting us from connecting deep inside. The mind can be our worse enemy.
You may not know where your next meal is coming from, but you can feel comfortable knowing that you don’t know. The external world doesn’t change only the way you perceive it. You don’t know when the next breath won’t come. You go to bed each night, shut down, the whole universe is gone, goodbye. We enter a state where there is no experience, no cognition, no other.
Forget about your attachments, let them go. We’re afraid to lose our attachments because they are made into some kind of virtue which they are not. Your immortal being is worried about its mortal self. You are the nucleus of your own world. The Universe exists within you, it cannot exist without you. Nothing can exist without your consciousness. Your consciousness is what holds your reality together, everything else is the illusion we created.
Thanks to Ines at:
May 12, 2016 Ines Radman
When consciousness is available, then this dynamic world can be seen but when it’s not available like in a deep sleep for instance, there is no world, there are no relatives, there is no religion, there is no physical life. When consciousness is available, which we can call the waking state, at this moment; then this active world comes into play.
Then, something arises as the experiencer and there in front of it is that which has been experienced. And then there is the function of experiencing and all of them is the content of in play of the one consciousness. As I write this, all this is happening within the dream of consciousness, on behalf of the Absolute which does not need to converse.
Who enters its own dream at what point is it beyond a dream? One should contemplate these things, because such contemplations reveal your own Buddha nature. You can go around studying so many things but this is the quintessential discovery, this thing to find and you can find it here right now. You speak about: ‘my soul’ or ‘my spirit’ or ‘my essence’, but these are just at the present, shapes of other concepts. Even the soul we speak of is just another spiritual image, you are the perceiver of it. Can you show your soul?
You are here, you are that vital intelligence, that sentience without which nothing can shine or can be seen. Why reduce or confine your consciousness to merely poverty consciousness?
Everything is coming and going. Has anything come and stayed? While the consciousness is present, you can talk about these things. You can talk about war and peace and this and that, you can talk about rent and family, religion and beliefs. All of this you can talk about because you have the aid of consciousness. When consciousness is not here in this form, that dualistic possibility, are you not you? Are you not also here? The waking state has risen up in front of you, but you’re still here, it didn’t replace you, you’re at the very root of it but somehow we’re still holding on to a self-image and with that self-image, all the confusion comes. Are you aware of your self-image? If you are aware of your self-image then where are you, then immediately you are imageless.
How do we identify with our container?
We don’t identify with anything. For once, stop identifying with anything. Don’t identify. Because if you say: “Ok, I identify, now how do I do it? How to be what you are? How to be? Be very still or not. It has nothing to do with the body coming or going, or if the thoughts are plentiful because they can’t exist without the weakness of them. Who is the weakness of them? Experience.
Can the weakness be found phenomenally? No, it cannot and yet it’s there. If you notice then don’t say: “I want to know in my heart” because this can only be known in your heart. We think and believe that a lot of things are stopping or preventing us. Nothing is stopping you. You’re not going somewhere to be stopped. You are before what stops and what starts because your weakness is stopping and starting. You are attributing so many things to your that don’t belong to you. Nothing belongs to you yet in this way nothing can exist without you. What a paradox and what a mystery.
Why do we suffer from such lack of trust? Don’t trust. Neither trust nor mistrust, leave it alone. If we don’t trust, there is a lack of trust. Don’t get into the category of trusting or not trusting because trusting or mistrusting; you’re aware of both. You don’t belong to that category, it’s not required to trust or mistrust.
What remains? There is nothing you have to be or any posture you have to take up. What remains? Calmness? Calmness is a beautiful perfume that comes when you stop touching things. Stop pushing yourself and making demands on yourself. Don’t touch any condition. Don’t say: “Yes, when and then”.
What stops you from being, what’s in your way?
You just feel you can’t? Leave that thought alone.
Don’t think, don’t imagine, don’t create. What is here now? Don’t make anything precious, let it come and go, it doesn’t belong to you. We make so many contracts: “Oh but I’d like to do this or stay longer, I have goals”, and there comes your trouble. Everything comes and goes. We create as many monsters around the thoughts and feelings that we wan’t to stay or go.
We put obstacles in front of something which is the infinite which in itself has no obstacles. You are the infinite as the aspect of existence in the feeling I AM. The taste of existence in this body consciousness, you are consciousness but as soon as consciousness is in this body so does identification with the body and it becomes “I am the body”.
Then environment. I am the context, I am the thinker, I am the thinker of thoughts, I am the doer of actions. All of this, all the beings are drowning because this weight is too much. Don’t touch anything, don’t cling to anything. Taste everything. When they come, let them come. When they go, let them go.
Then you will come to know intuitively that you are not what which comes and goes. Sink inside your own self. Be one with what you already are. Be patient but not waiting and then you’ll come to see an energy, a power is moving this body and it moves with this harmony, your natural harmony, your cosmic harmony. Then you only have to go outside and take a look and see how it is when you are not in your harmony.
You don’t have to read the news or books, go and look and listen and you’ll see how it is when you’re not conscious and respectful and aware of your inherent harmony. Don’t touch anything.
That’s not to say you don’t take your cup of tea or go for a walk, that’s not called not touching, let everything happen. Not touching means not clinging. Don’t identify yourself as this or that. It’s not needed. Your Being is not a coward, it doesn’t have to compromise. The beingness does not know of compromise, it only knows compassion. The sense of being a person is only your outer costume. Just as you wear a shirt, but you know you’re not the shirt. If you have been practicing spirituality for a long time and if avoidance is at the root of it, you will never know complete freedom.
You don’t consciously recognize your power. Thought cannot exist independent of you. We put our power in the wrong places. We give it away. The mind has got a gun to your heard and only because you think you have a head to put a gun to it.
You have to say yes to your truth, internally. A yes means yes to your fullness. We don’t bargain, we don’t compromise, only an intuitive yesness. We’re always thinking: Not yet, maybe, getting there, waiting for the kids to leave home or whatever it is that you put something on. You are worthiness itself but maybe your attitude is not worthy of you.
You won’t let go of your I, because it’s a worker bee, it can’t stop because there is no trust underneath. We’re brought up in this environment where we have to do, think, worry, survive so we don’t trust life. You only have to understand this and you have unleashed your power so long as you don’t pretend to trust.
I’m sure you heard of muscle testing. A subject is asked simple questions which requires simple yes or no answers. If the subject is lying, the arm resistance fails completely. If the subject tells the truth, the tester can’t push the arm downwards. There is resistance.
What I realized about this is that if you are willingly not truthful, the vital force doesn’t support you. The vital force in existence in your own body doesn’t support self, the Universe is not supporting you. It is instinctual for us to trust but something caused the Ego/mind to be in the driver’s seat of our life that you don’t know your beautiful nature.
Our minds have hijacked our being and so all thought manifested creates that reality. We compromise ourselves because we identify with a body and a mind, the mind is constantly diverting us from connecting deep inside. The mind can be our worse enemy.
You may not know where your next meal is coming from, but you can feel comfortable knowing that you don’t know. The external world doesn’t change only the way you perceive it. You don’t know when the next breath won’t come. You go to bed each night, shut down, the whole universe is gone, goodbye. We enter a state where there is no experience, no cognition, no other.
Forget about your attachments, let them go. We’re afraid to lose our attachments because they are made into some kind of virtue which they are not. Your immortal being is worried about its mortal self. You are the nucleus of your own world. The Universe exists within you, it cannot exist without you. Nothing can exist without your consciousness. Your consciousness is what holds your reality together, everything else is the illusion we created.
Thanks to Ines at: