Restored Republic via a GCR as of Aug. 6, 2017
Compiled 12:01 am EDT 6 Aug. 2017 by Judy Byington
Source: Dinar ChroniclesA. Aug. 5 2017 3:09 pm EDT GCR Op-Ed: 1. I have this sinking feeling that late tonight's
Aug. 5 is the night, or tomorrow
Aug. 6's the day. I know in my heart of hearts the RV is looming.
2. Mueller impaneled the grand jury in D.C. yesterday
Aug. 4. He waited till the last second.
3. So did the decorators in the White House this weekend putting up Paul Ryan's wife's choice of curtains in the personal quarters.
4. Today
Aug. 5 Vice President Mike Pence's emails were finally submitted to a Indiana investigator about his involvement in "shady dealings"-just like Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew, who was quietly resigned before Nixon was forced to resign.'s-governor
5. Is this the flash bang for the RV? The massive global distraction meant to absorb our attention for two solid months while the world is flooded with money? Survey says yup.
6. Nobody really knew the date of the RV, and nobody really knows what's going to happen once the T4 release commences, but the entire world knows it's coming and can't say a damn word about it. Tonight may be the best of times or the worst of times.
7. In advance, thank you for your service. It's been as memorable a ride as it has been forgettable. I guess blessings really do equal burdens. Sobeit. God is with us.
B. Aug. 5 2017 10:32 am EDT KTFA Talk: "Just a Diversion" - Sat. AM TNT Thoughts/News
SassyD: Mobile payment system in Iraq aims to help 12,000 farmers return -
Aug. 4
Earthfirst: Iraq bonds offered in Irish stock market on
Aug. 5: Readitnow: Sure would seem Iraq bonds offered on Irish stock market with American, German, and Iraq banks managing them screams International!
C. Aug. 5 2017 RV Intelligence Alert: READ FULL SITREP
1. Multiple Sources Reporting in.
2. There is no more Fractional Reserve System.
3. There is only one collateral source backing for all currencies across the globe (the Chinese Elders).
4. The safest time to RV is between
8pm and 2am EDT Sat night-Sun morning when all banks across the globe are closed.
5. Pay close attention to the news today
Sat. Aug. 5.
6. If you wish you can still put your email on a Tetelestai contact list to receive the 800#s at:
D. Aug. 5 2017 2:02 am EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Oh My" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Saturday - August 5, 2017
Multiple sources reporting in
Fri. pm Aug. 4 say:
1. Speaker Paul Ryan's furniture and decoration choices were moved into the White House today
Fri. Aug. 4.
2. Trump never seriously moved into the White House in terms of bringing his personal effects from New York because he didn't believe he would be there long, because he never expected to win, and why he took so much money from foreign governments and businessmen seeking favor. (Muller expected to charge Trump with tax fraud. Trump expected to resign rather than face impeachment.)
3. Neither Presidential candidate is required to repay campaign contributions per US election laws. So whomever lost made a heap of money - no wonder the Clinton camp took another one for team (Obama's 2008 Democratic nomination was the first). In fact, both Trump and Clinton took so many bribes from foreign sources prior to the 2016 election, sources insist the "witch hunt" he speaks of would have gone down the same way for either candidate - ending in resignation before being impeached.
4. HSBC eliminated all vacation days through Labor Day - except traders who are to report back to work on
Sept. 4.
5. Wells Fargo has been completely taken out of transaction decision making for RV off site redemption centers, and now waits like every other second tier bank. Also WF lost BofA branch extension privileges post RV. Expect HSBC to absorb all BofA locations to expand their North American footprint.
6. There is only one collateral source (Chinese Elders) backing all revalued currencies and bonds. There is no more fractional reserve system period. Making all currencies and bonds on an equal par against a common gold benchmark set twice daily in Asia (Shanghai Gold Exchange) regardless of country of origin.
7. Zimbabwe President Mugabe is in Iran to finalize a discounted thirty year oil and natural contract for all nations in the African Union.
8. When Bob Mueller subpoena's Trump, which is why the Grand Jury was impaneled in D.C. - pay close attention for the release of the 800#s and Tetelestsi notification email.
9. The Watergate Saturday Night Massacre is being highlighted in the media to cloak a Saturday night RV when all banks and markets are closed (
8pm-2am). It's the safest time to release the RV globally.
10. If you're not yet on the Tetelestai list to receive 800#s:
E. Aug. 5 2017 1:46 am EDT Deep State Regime Change Exposed: SGTReport - Deep State Regime Change Operation Exposed
F. Aug. 5 2017 10:16 am EDT Trump News this am: This Morning's Mainstream News Regarding Trump 8-5-17
G. Questions you might want to ask at your exchange:1. Show me the current exchange rates on both the front and back bank screens for my different currencies.
2. What are the stipulations of the Contract rate?
3. What are the stipulations of the Street rate?
4. I want my Zim on a ___ year payout. What interest rates can you offer me on the money I leave at your bank?
5. Is there a cap on the amount I can exchange with your bank?
6. I need some certified checks today. Can you help me with that?
7. How much cash can I take with me after this appointment?
8. Explain how the sweep process will work.
9. Will my account be active to receive bank wires right now?
10. What type of credit cards and debit cards do I qualify for now?
11. Is this currency exchange taxable and if so, what is the tax rate?
12. Tell me about your bank perks.
13. Can I exchange today into my LLC, IBC or Trust?
14. What is the insurance coverage on my deposits?
15. Am I exchanging into Federal Reserve Notes or Treasury Notes?
16. What type of account are my funds going into? (I do not want to comingle my different currencies and would like separate accounts for each currency.)
17. On your bank:
a. Explain your bank's Basel status.
b. How did your bank rate in bank stress tests?
c. How much does your bank have in derivatives?
d. How would you rate your bank as compared to other institutions?
e. How are my deposits protected against bank collapse, government theft and bank theft?
f. How have the new OCC regulations, Volcker Rule, Dodd Frank and Basel requirements impact your bank?
18. Can I get an appointment with a Weath Manager to answer my questions in further detail?
19. Please go over all the documents that I will be signing. Can I contact my attorney before I sign these documents? Can I have a copy of the documents for my legal team to review?
20. If I have questions tomorrow who can I contact?
21. Do you have a business card?
Questions you may want to save for your Wealth Manager appointment:
1. What is the FDIC coverage on my accounts?
2. How does your FINCEN reporting work?
3. What type of bank accounts do you have and can you explain how the following bank accounts operate?
a. non interest bearing accounts
b. Multi currency accounts.
c. Interest bearing accounts.
4. If I leave some of my money with your bank what amount am I required to leave in each account?
5. What are the fees associated with these bank accounts?
6. What is the difference in a currency exchange and a currency investment with your bank?
7. If I use a Multi Currency Account (MCA account) will my currency stay in the foreign currency or convert to USD?
8. Can your bank assist me with reserves and layaways? How does that process work?
9. Is my money protected against devaluation of the USD?
10. Will this transaction be reported to FINCEN?
11. Since online banking leaves me at risk what is the most convenient banking process you can offer me?
12. What is my cost to execute trades, bonds, etc?
13. What type of additional insurance can I place on my money via private banking and wealth management?
14. What are my checking and savings account options?
15. Tell me a little bit about the history of your bank.
16. What products and services will come with the Wealth Management team?
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your different accounts?
18. What kind of loans and lines of credit will I be offered?
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