April’s full Moon rises on the night of Tuesday, April 7. Traditionally called the Pink Moon, this full Moon will also be a spectacular Supermoon. The Moon will be at its closest point to us all year, making it appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter. The Moon will be visible after sunset and reach peak illumination on April 7, at 18:08 UTC (10:35 p.m. EDT). A Full Pink #Supermoon Is Rising Don't expect it to look particularly pink. It is named after pink flowers called wild ground phlox, which bloom in early spring and become widespread throughout the U.S. and Canada this time of the year. For the best view of this lovely spring Moon, find an open area and watch as the Moon rises just above the horizon. Full Moons always rise around sunset as a matter of geometry, and they also appear at their biggest when they are nearest the horizon due to an optical illusion. For most of humam history, the Moon was largely a mystery. It spawned awe and fear and to this day is the source of myth and legend. Watch for the Biggest Full Moon of 2020 to shine all night long on the night of April 7-8, 2020. Stay Safe and Happy Skywatching!