COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet
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COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet
(Continued From Part 1…)
A Zeta confirmed that this physical process is analogous to a process in consciousness (Treurniet and Hamden, 2022). For example, two beings with different vibrational states may interact to create a potential difference between them. The difference potential enables the beings to move more easily into that vibrational state. The non-linearity analogous to the transistor device is the intention of the participating beings.
Figure 4.1 is a schematic of the process. A and B are the respective high and low vibrational states, the intention is signified by X, and (A-B) is the difference potential.
Heterodyning is a key function in a number of processes in consciousness. It enables one vibrational state to communicate information to another vibrational state in a controlled way. The following discusses how the heterodyning process can shift one’s vibrational state to a higher level and how it is part of the process of self-healing, and how the Zetas use it in technology for creating a separate realm environment.
A human may raise their vibration on the Harmony dimension by heterodyning with a higher-vibration being. The being might be part of the human’s spiritual belief system who, according to a Zeta, will happily participate since the heterodyning process is not a burden. The process begins with the human moving to the highest state of love that is already possible for them to achieve. The Zeta advised, “That strong emotion gives you the capacity to be in a different frequency.” That is, the feeling of love increases the human’s capacity to shift to the even higher state of love facilitated by the heterodyning process.
In Figure 4.2, a human in the etheric realm is represented by X and a higher-vibration being in the spirit realm is represented by Y. The input vibrations from the human and the higher-vibration being are held simultaneously in the human’s mind. The human intention is the non-linearity required to activate and maintain the heterodyning process. Consistent with the intention, a potential forms at the difference between the input vibrations on the Harmony dimension. The potential facilitates the shift of the human’s consciousness to that different vibration. The shift is felt as the onset of loving energy, a sign that the heterodyning process was successful.
Alternatively, the intention could apply the heterodyning process to the Physical type of vibration dimension. Some extraterrestrial beings such as the Zeta race exist at vibrations on this dimension that do not resonate with the human vibration. Nevertheless, a human medium might still connect with such a being by matching its vibration to the being’s vibration. This could be done with the cooperation of a higher-vibration spirit being. By heterodyning the medium’s vibration with an appropriately selected vibration of the spirit being, a different potential would be created at the vibration of the extraterrestrial being. The medium could then shift to a different vibration and resonate with the extraterrestrial being. The resonation would enable a connection for communication to be created if that were the intention.
A ‘blueprint’ of the physical body is retained by the local consciousness in the form of consciousness potentials. The blueprint is derived from the generic template for a body of the human race, modified according to the characteristics of the particular individual.
A healthy, uninjured physical body conforms to the blueprint defining the body. The Zeta said, “The etheric body understands its potential. It seeks to continually keep the physical body to that potential.” When there is an injury, “the cellular reconstruction is aided by the potential of the etheric body’s blueprint that would denote the original form.” The etheric body is kept in the state specified by the blueprint information in consciousness so that the experienced physical body has the expected function and appearance.
The Zeta was asked how etheric information is communicated to the physical cells of the body. They responded, “Underneath the energy is consciousness. It is the quanta information of the cellular structure of a human body. That consciousness indicates what is the action of the re-creation of the cellular process, and of course, all other potentials then exist. The energy then is actively working towards healing the physical cellular disruption.” The etheric body has the information required to heal the body when it is injured.
With the intention of the local consciousness, a continuous heterodyning process monitors the state of the physical potential of the etheric body. The physical potential is the etheric base vibration of the ‘Physical type of vibration’ in the model of Figure 2.1. It is constant throughout a healthy body and is the lower-vibration input to the heterodyning process. The higher-vibration inputs are the consciousness potentials representing the body blueprint. These potentials vary according to the blueprint information. In the above quote, ‘all other potentials then exist’ refers to the heterodyning difference potentials.
When the body is healthy and undamaged, the physical potential is constant, and so the different potentials follow the varying consciousness potentials of the blueprint. When the body is damaged, the physical potential at the site of the injury is distorted. The distortion causes the difference potentials to deviate from the consciousness potentials defining the healthy body. The deviation of the difference potential identifies a need for healing at the location where it occurred.
The local consciousness initiates the healing process when the difference potential indicates that it is required. When the body is healed, the physical potentials at the site of the injury are restored to the normal level, and the difference potential is brought back into line with the blueprint information.
When Zeta explained how the contents of the SQE are created, it was evident that the technology employed the heterodyning process. The lower-vibration input to the process is supplied by a matrix of reality, the etheric environment to be simulated. The other input is constant higher-vibration energy supplied by a Zeta operator who has the required intention. The resulting difference potential exactly follows the variations in the matrix of reality since the vibration supplied by the Zeta being is constant.
The heterodyning difference potential guides the process that creates the SQE contents. The infrastructure of the SQE is a mixture of technology and consciousness ‘that allows itself to be given input which then creates the internal form.’ The contents of the SQE are experienced as matter, so quanta are created from the information in the different potentials.
When the Zeta’s higher-vibration energy interacts with the human body, the body’s vibrations are increased and it’s biological processes may malfunction. A Zeta craft also emits higher-vibration energy, and a Zeta is recommended that humans approach no closer to a craft than 30-50 meters.
Further, they said, “When the human is connected to us, the cells are excited as we are of a different frequency.” The change in vibration “allows the manifestation of what is an underlying unwellness in the human.” This suggests that the humans who became ill were already unwell before the encounter. The Zeta vibration disrupted the human body’s ability to manage the illness and so the illness became noticeable.
The Zeta’s vibration appears to affect the human’s Physical type of vibration involved in the self-healing process (Section 4.2). When the encounter interferes with self-healing, it may exacerbate an existing medical condition. As can be seen in Figure 2.1, an increase in the etheric type of vibration in this dimension would move the human closer to the spirit realm vibration. As Zeta put it, the human would be “moved closer to their true self.”
Physical contact between a Zeta and a human can create what appears to be a burn on the skin of the human. The Zeta explained, “You cannot touch us, you would be burnt. As you moved closer, your skin would become burnt because of frequency.” The higher-vibration energy of the superposed states of consciousness would affect the human’s physical cells so they appear burnt.
A survey of 50 contactees by Marden and Stoner (2011) found that 22% of respondents had suffered ‘burns, hair loss or conjunctivitis’ following the contact experience. Burn marks on the upper back and sunburn-like rashes were reported, sometimes on the entire body. Presumably, these burns were from exposure to the incompatible vibrational state of extraterrestrial energy.
Close proximity of a human to a Zeta could also have a deleterious effect on the mental health of the human. The Zeta said, “To look into the eyes of the race, you may lose your mind, your construct would disintegrate.” The container of the human’s local consciousness would be damaged by the nearness of the Zeta’s etheric body. When asked if the effect was caused by looking into the eyes or just being near, the Zeta replied, “The nearness to the body, because of the frequency that encompasses the physical container. Also, the consciousness which permeates all living organisms is a different state of existence.” To prevent such harm from their race, the Zeta said, “We do not allow the humans to look into our eyes. You may see an image of us, it is a projection.”
The Zeta was asked if the vibrational states of some races closer to the human state would be less likely to cause burns. They replied, “There is obviously potential for different beings that interact with humans.” That is, beings from various races would expose humans to different potentials or vibrational states. They continued, “It is the consciousness that causes the physical form to become burned. This is why most contact is a form where the human is asleep because the consciousness does not operate in its normal parameters.” The Zeta advised that humans are less likely to be harmed by physical proximity when they are asleep and therefore less aware.
In general, the likelihood of harm is minimized when contact is not resisted. They said, “The defense creates an energetic barrier around the physical body which provides a potential for the human to present the skin, or the epidermis, as being burned. … The stronger your resistance to contact situations, the more potential there is for you to be harmed.”
“If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe,” says UCI professor of physics & astronomy Jonathan Feng, including what holds together galaxies such as this spiral one, called NGC 6814. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA; Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt.
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energy of the superposed states of consciousness would affect the human’s physical cells so they appear burnt.
A survey of 50 contactees by Marden and Stoner (2011) found that 22% of respondents had suffered ‘burns, hair loss or conjunctivitis’ following the contact experience. Burn marks on the upper back and sunburn-like rashes were reported, sometimes on the entire body. Presumably, these burns were from exposure to the incompatible vibrational state of extraterrestrial energy.
Close proximity of a human to a Zeta could also have a deleterious effect on the mental health of the human. The Zeta said, “To look into the eyes of the race, you may lose your mind, your construct would disintegrate.” The container of the human’s local consciousness would be damaged by the nearness of the Zeta’s etheric body. When asked if the effect was caused by looking into the eyes or just being near, the Zeta replied, “The nearness to the body, because of the frequency that encompasses the physical container. Also, the consciousness which permeates all living organisms is a different state of existence.” To prevent such harm from their race, the Zeta said, “We do not allow the humans to look into our eyes. You may see an image of us, it is a projection.”
The Zeta was asked if the vibrational states of some races closer to the human state would be less likely to cause burns. They replied, “There is obviously potential for different beings that interact with humans.” That is, beings from various races would expose humans to different potentials or vibrational states. They continued, “It is the consciousness that causes the physical form to become burned. This is why most contact is a form where the human is asleep because the consciousness does not operate in its normal parameters.” The Zeta advised that humans are less likely to be harmed by physical proximity when they are asleep and therefore less aware.
In general, the likelihood of harm is minimized when contact is not resisted. They said, “The defense creates an energetic barrier around the physical body which provides a potential for the human to present the skin, or the epidermis, as being burned. … The stronger your resistance to contact situations, the more potential there is for you to be harmed.”
“If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe,” says UCI professor of physics & astronomy Jonathan Feng, including what holds together galaxies such as this spiral one, called NGC 6814. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA; Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt.
In higher-vibration realms, the quality of sensations should be enhanced when quanta are rendered and transformed with greater precision. Ziewe (2008) encountered sensory experiences in his out-of-body travels that were unknown to him in the lower-vibration etheric realm. Alexander (2012, pp. 38-40), in a report of his near-death experience, described another world that was ‘brilliant, vibrant, ecstatic, stunning.’ The color of people’s clothes ‘had the same kind of living warmth as the trees and the flowers. A girl’s outfit had an ‘overwhelming super-vivid aliveness’. He found himself riding on the wing of a butterfly, ‘alive with indescribable and vivid colors’. He experienced truly unusual perceptions, perhaps because of the realm’s higher vibrations.
Consciousness may also separate from an uninjured body. This tends to occur when it is not aware of the physical body. The consciousness finds itself in a similar body in another place which can seem more real than the familiar waking experience. This is known as an OBE (e.g., Buhlman, 1996; Ziewe, 2008, 2015; Peterson, 2013; Kirkpatrick, 2015; De Foe, 2016).
According to the Zeta cosmology, all objects of matter in our universe are configurations of consciousness. The configurations are holographic-like patterns, or quanta, existing in the etheric range of vibration. Since the human body is matter, it too is represented as etheric quanta. The body can be perceived only with perceptual processes tuned to the etheric vibration.
Although the body often heals itself, there inevitably comes a time when healing does not occur. An injury to the body may be too great or an illness may be too severe, and so the body ceases to function. When the local consciousness recognizes that the body may be beyond repair, it releases itself from the etheric body and moves to a body that is invisible to onlookers. The consciousness returns when the body is resuscitated, and the person may report an NDE.
A similar movement of consciousness to another body occurs at the beginning of an OBE. A Zeta described the transfer of conscious awareness to the astral realm, “Simply, as an act of will, you will drive the physical processes to a point where they do not exist. At that point, the consciousness will release itself from the physical body, and using the etheric template of the body, present itself within the astral realm.” The creation process intrinsic to consciousness brings a new body into existence that is patterned after the etheric body.
The created astral body also has a holographic-like representation in consciousness. However, it clearly differs from the etheric body in that it cannot be seen by human onlookers. Therefore, it must have a higher vibration than the etheric body. Any humans in the etheric realm cannot decode the information in the astral body because their perceptual processes are tuned to the lower etheric vibration. On the other hand, the consciousness in the astral body is still aware of the lower-vibration etheric body and its surroundings since any being can transform quanta at its vibrational level or lower.
The astral body that appears during an NDE or OBE is said to exist in an environment that initially appears similar to the familiar Earth environment. The perceptual process tuned to the astral vibration continues to transform quanta in either realm and so consciousness continues to experience matter. In the astral realm, experiencers may report that their body flew to another location or moved there at the speed of thought (Ziewe, 2008). The environment may change according to their expectations or intentions as if their thoughts were externalized.
View (2008, p. 129; 2015, p. 53) observed that thought occasionally influenced objects and events during his astral experiences, although not all thoughts were equally effective. Thinking spontaneously or allowing thoughts to arise naturally out of expectation was more powerful than merely having the intention to create. View (2008, pp. 138-139; 2015, p. 91) concluded that there were still ‘laws of nature influencing such higher-vibration experiences. A Zeta agreed that a higher-level construct of consciousness like a realm influences the belief structure of every inhabitant and so encourages a consensus reality.
The Zeta said, “The grid is used by many races and planetary beings, somewhat like a communication process. Not only does it aid in telepathic communication between your beings on this planet, but we also use it as well. All conscious thought is placed into the grid, and it is used by many ET races as a medium for telepathic communication.” To communicate telepathically, a being creates a message in the form of quanta in the grid. The perceptual process of the receiver would need to be tuned to the message’s vibrational state or higher in order to transform the message quanta to sensations.
According to a Zeta, a being typically creates using its highest possible vibration. However, a message from a higher-vibration being must be created with the lower etheric vibrations in order to be read by a human. That this is possible was confirmed by a Zeta and supported by humans who say they have been contacted telepathically by extraterrestrial beings (Hernandez et al., 2018).
One reason why extraterrestrial races are helping to raise the vibrational state of the human collective consciousness is to facilitate telepathic communication. A Zeta said, “Your collective mind, in its undulating state, is being prepared for the transition to a telepathic process” and “Then, of course, the other races which view you on your daily basis, will actively interact with the collective mind of the human race.” The extraterrestrial races are watching and waiting for the human collective mind to evolve. Would a telepathic being recognize that someone was attempting to communicate an untruth? In answer to this question, Zeta indicated that telepathic communication reveals information about the sender as well as the intended message. An attempt to lie telepathically would be reflected in the quality of the potentials in the quanta that represent thoughts and intentions. So the receiver of the thoughts would feel whether or not the information was intended to deceive.
Telepathic contact with extraterrestrial races is undermined by the eagerness of many humans to experience such communication. A Zeta said, “And so we have found that telepathic communication is the best method but there are many pretenders. They present themselves as our race, and this has caused many problems for us, as we cannot stop a human who has free will from interacting with any entity they wish.” The comment emphasized again that humans should not ignore the intent accompanying the telepathic message.
Telepathy as an intuitive process also functions to circumvent the need for a system of time measurement. A Zeta said, “You could say that the amplitude of the telepathy removes the need for time. … The information is given that you must be somewhere. It is given as a point of reference. It is weak. As the telepathic signal builds its amplitude, when it reaches a certain level, then you know that you must be at that place.” A sense of anticipation or urgency builds as an event draws near.
The Zetas have designed some of their technology to have the telepathic ability. For example, they interact telepathically with their craft which is conscious beings. To communicate with the craft, “an astral form is needed or thought projection”, suggesting that humans in their current etheric vibrational state would be unable to do so. The Zeta continued, “But realize this, the thought must be of a very specific nature, and there are biological barriers around the craft, to stop certain energies from penetrating through the craft which we class as a being.” It appears they have dealt with some security issues concerning such communications.
Another technology is ‘the chair’, a telepathic device that extraterrestrial beings use to magnify their own thought processes. The chair is said to be “a hybrid system where there is an organic and metallic process. The organic integrates with the psychotropic processes. This allows the amplification of the psychic portion of the etheric field and thus you have a connection to a communication device.” The word psychotropic suggests that thoughts in the psychic portion of the etheric field are amplified by chemical substances that affect the nervous system.
The Zetas expect that humans will eventually master telepathic communication. In the near term, human technology is already being developed to enable a kind of mind-to-mind communication. They warned that there are dangers in this approach. When technology is required for telepathic communication, control of the communication is in someone else’s hands. They suggested that technologically assisted telepathy should be accepted temporarily, and that “ultimately you can move into connection with each other. The amplified state of thought that you will exist in will allow you to bypass the technological states.” Such natural telepathy awaits a fully functioning collective mind, and so it cannot happen until the human collective consciousness changes dramatically.
Like a telepathic message, objects to be viewed remotely are encoded as quanta in the grid. A remote viewer’s perceptual process would transform quanta at a particular location as if they were a telepathic message. Both the remote object and the telepathic message would be transformed to higher-vibration consciousness potentials to be experienced as sensations.
A viewer’s perceptions of the remote object could be biased by expectations of what to find. To minimize such distractions, remote targets are sometimes identified to the viewer by arbitrary alphanumeric codes. Such blind identification of the remote site can be successful, suggesting that the remote viewer does indeed use the intuitive telepathic process. The intention to perform the task would focus on the end goal rather than the path taken to reach the goal. The focus on the end result appears to be a general principle for utilizing the energy of thought.
Novice remote viewers would have to overcome the learned bias to transform quanta at nearby locations. That strategy is inappropriate for accessing an unfamiliar remote scene. To become proficient, they would practice setting the intention to use the telepathic process instead. When the remote viewer’s intention is successful, the quanta at the remote site are transformed by the perceptual process to be experienced as sensations. Remote viewing is most successful when the focus is on the experience of the features rather than the interpretation of what they mean. The remote viewer is typically urged to report sensory features like color, smell, and texture. Reports of constructs such as particular buildings or other manufactured items are typically discouraged in favor of the sensations experienced.
Figure 6.1 shows an image of an apport that appeared during a physical mediumship séance with the German medium, Kai Muegge. The crystalline object shown in the left panel fell from the underside of the medium’s downturned palm into the author’s hand. The medium’s hand was easily visible in soft red light. The materialization of the object coincided with a brief twinkle of white light. The presumed spirit said with the medium’s voice, “It is the first time that we opened the crystalline structure and embedded certain portions of ectoplasmic substance to see afterward.” Remarkably, when the crystal was backlit in darkness and held at a certain orientation, clear representations of a male and a female human head appeared as shown in the middle panel of the figure. The right panel identifies the locations of the representations with the oval graphical overlays.
Figure 6.2 shows an enlarged view of the interior of the crystal from a slightly different angle. Some features of the man’s body are more noticeable. The right hand is beside the head with the palm turned upwards, and the fingers and forearm can be distinguished. The left hand is cupped just behind the woman’s head. The two larger dark areas on the right side of the image might then be identified as the man’s left arm and leg, with the left foot extending to the floor.
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- ‘…In the Zeta cosmology, the matter is represented in consciousness by a quantized spectrum of potentials in the grid. The potentials in quanta are selected by a being’s perceptual process and transformed to higher-vibration potentials experienced in consciousness as sensations. All aspects of this process take place in consciousness, so the nature of matter as separate from the perceiver is an illusion created by consciousness”
COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet
(Continued From Part 1…)
The Heterodyning Process In Consciousness
Consciousness has information that is distinguished by its vibrational level. The flow of information can be controlled by a process known as heterodyning. Humans discovered how to apply the heterodyning process in electronic circuitry. A simple application creates an output signal that depends on the properties of two input signals. In particular, the frequency of the output is the difference between the frequencies of the inputs. The input signals must pass through a non-linear device such as a transistor.A Zeta confirmed that this physical process is analogous to a process in consciousness (Treurniet and Hamden, 2022). For example, two beings with different vibrational states may interact to create a potential difference between them. The difference potential enables the beings to move more easily into that vibrational state. The non-linearity analogous to the transistor device is the intention of the participating beings.
Figure 4.1 is a schematic of the process. A and B are the respective high and low vibrational states, the intention is signified by X, and (A-B) is the difference potential.
Figure 4.1. Heterodyning vibrational states. |
Heterodyning is a key function in a number of processes in consciousness. It enables one vibrational state to communicate information to another vibrational state in a controlled way. The following discusses how the heterodyning process can shift one’s vibrational state to a higher level and how it is part of the process of self-healing, and how the Zetas use it in technology for creating a separate realm environment.
4.1 Shifting consciousness to a higher vibration
Vibration is multidimensional as discussed in Section 2.3, so the heterodyning process is applied to the dimension chosen by a human’s intention. The Harmony and Physical type of vibration dimensions shown in the graphic of Figure 4.2 form the physical plane of vibration available to humans and other physical beings.Figure 4.2. Positions in the physical plane of vibration. |
A human may raise their vibration on the Harmony dimension by heterodyning with a higher-vibration being. The being might be part of the human’s spiritual belief system who, according to a Zeta, will happily participate since the heterodyning process is not a burden. The process begins with the human moving to the highest state of love that is already possible for them to achieve. The Zeta advised, “That strong emotion gives you the capacity to be in a different frequency.” That is, the feeling of love increases the human’s capacity to shift to the even higher state of love facilitated by the heterodyning process.
In Figure 4.2, a human in the etheric realm is represented by X and a higher-vibration being in the spirit realm is represented by Y. The input vibrations from the human and the higher-vibration being are held simultaneously in the human’s mind. The human intention is the non-linearity required to activate and maintain the heterodyning process. Consistent with the intention, a potential forms at the difference between the input vibrations on the Harmony dimension. The potential facilitates the shift of the human’s consciousness to that different vibration. The shift is felt as the onset of loving energy, a sign that the heterodyning process was successful.
Alternatively, the intention could apply the heterodyning process to the Physical type of vibration dimension. Some extraterrestrial beings such as the Zeta race exist at vibrations on this dimension that do not resonate with the human vibration. Nevertheless, a human medium might still connect with such a being by matching its vibration to the being’s vibration. This could be done with the cooperation of a higher-vibration spirit being. By heterodyning the medium’s vibration with an appropriately selected vibration of the spirit being, a different potential would be created at the vibration of the extraterrestrial being. The medium could then shift to a different vibration and resonate with the extraterrestrial being. The resonation would enable a connection for communication to be created if that were the intention.
4.2 The self-healing process
The human body, like all matter in the universe, is defined by quanta in the range of vibrations of the etheric realm. The quanta contain information that corresponds to the form and function of the physical body. The etheric body is experienced as the physical body when it is transformed by the perceptual process. Changes to the physical body are mirrored by the information in the quanta.A ‘blueprint’ of the physical body is retained by the local consciousness in the form of consciousness potentials. The blueprint is derived from the generic template for a body of the human race, modified according to the characteristics of the particular individual.
A healthy, uninjured physical body conforms to the blueprint defining the body. The Zeta said, “The etheric body understands its potential. It seeks to continually keep the physical body to that potential.” When there is an injury, “the cellular reconstruction is aided by the potential of the etheric body’s blueprint that would denote the original form.” The etheric body is kept in the state specified by the blueprint information in consciousness so that the experienced physical body has the expected function and appearance.
The Zeta was asked how etheric information is communicated to the physical cells of the body. They responded, “Underneath the energy is consciousness. It is the quanta information of the cellular structure of a human body. That consciousness indicates what is the action of the re-creation of the cellular process, and of course, all other potentials then exist. The energy then is actively working towards healing the physical cellular disruption.” The etheric body has the information required to heal the body when it is injured.
With the intention of the local consciousness, a continuous heterodyning process monitors the state of the physical potential of the etheric body. The physical potential is the etheric base vibration of the ‘Physical type of vibration’ in the model of Figure 2.1. It is constant throughout a healthy body and is the lower-vibration input to the heterodyning process. The higher-vibration inputs are the consciousness potentials representing the body blueprint. These potentials vary according to the blueprint information. In the above quote, ‘all other potentials then exist’ refers to the heterodyning difference potentials.
When the body is healthy and undamaged, the physical potential is constant, and so the different potentials follow the varying consciousness potentials of the blueprint. When the body is damaged, the physical potential at the site of the injury is distorted. The distortion causes the difference potentials to deviate from the consciousness potentials defining the healthy body. The deviation of the difference potential identifies a need for healing at the location where it occurred.
The local consciousness initiates the healing process when the difference potential indicates that it is required. When the body is healed, the physical potentials at the site of the injury are restored to the normal level, and the difference potential is brought back into line with the blueprint information.
4.3 Simulation of an environment
A Zeta confirmed rumors that humans had been given access to an extraterrestrial technology capable of creating a ‘synthetic quantum environment or SQE (Treurniet and Hamden, 2019). The SQE is a container in the energy of consciousness that is like a realm. It is populated with objects in the etheric universe transposed to the higher vibration of the SQE. They said, “There is a device that is used to create the enfolding of the special process, and then once the cavity is created, it is populated with the correct molecular image that will then represent the environment that was to be used for the exchange of energy and information.” They added that it exists for ‘the purpose of experience’ and ‘as a place of learning.’ The entry of a human into such a simulated environment would be similar to beginning an out-of-body astral experience – the movement of consciousness to a higher-vibration body.When Zeta explained how the contents of the SQE are created, it was evident that the technology employed the heterodyning process. The lower-vibration input to the process is supplied by a matrix of reality, the etheric environment to be simulated. The other input is constant higher-vibration energy supplied by a Zeta operator who has the required intention. The resulting difference potential exactly follows the variations in the matrix of reality since the vibration supplied by the Zeta being is constant.
The heterodyning difference potential guides the process that creates the SQE contents. The infrastructure of the SQE is a mixture of technology and consciousness ‘that allows itself to be given input which then creates the internal form.’ The contents of the SQE are experienced as matter, so quanta are created from the information in the different potentials.
5. Illness from proximity to higher vibrations
People who have had close contact with extraterrestrial beings may report that they felt ill afterward. This phenomenon was confirmed by a Zeta who said, “When you are in our presence, our energy filters into your energy, and then there are changes that are temporary. There are changes to your body and consciousness. This is because humans are taken out of this corporeal three-dimensional realm and moved closer to their true self.”When the Zeta’s higher-vibration energy interacts with the human body, the body’s vibrations are increased and it’s biological processes may malfunction. A Zeta craft also emits higher-vibration energy, and a Zeta is recommended that humans approach no closer to a craft than 30-50 meters.
Further, they said, “When the human is connected to us, the cells are excited as we are of a different frequency.” The change in vibration “allows the manifestation of what is an underlying unwellness in the human.” This suggests that the humans who became ill were already unwell before the encounter. The Zeta vibration disrupted the human body’s ability to manage the illness and so the illness became noticeable.
The Zeta’s vibration appears to affect the human’s Physical type of vibration involved in the self-healing process (Section 4.2). When the encounter interferes with self-healing, it may exacerbate an existing medical condition. As can be seen in Figure 2.1, an increase in the etheric type of vibration in this dimension would move the human closer to the spirit realm vibration. As Zeta put it, the human would be “moved closer to their true self.”
Physical contact between a Zeta and a human can create what appears to be a burn on the skin of the human. The Zeta explained, “You cannot touch us, you would be burnt. As you moved closer, your skin would become burnt because of frequency.” The higher-vibration energy of the superposed states of consciousness would affect the human’s physical cells so they appear burnt.
A survey of 50 contactees by Marden and Stoner (2011) found that 22% of respondents had suffered ‘burns, hair loss or conjunctivitis’ following the contact experience. Burn marks on the upper back and sunburn-like rashes were reported, sometimes on the entire body. Presumably, these burns were from exposure to the incompatible vibrational state of extraterrestrial energy.
Close proximity of a human to a Zeta could also have a deleterious effect on the mental health of the human. The Zeta said, “To look into the eyes of the race, you may lose your mind, your construct would disintegrate.” The container of the human’s local consciousness would be damaged by the nearness of the Zeta’s etheric body. When asked if the effect was caused by looking into the eyes or just being near, the Zeta replied, “The nearness to the body, because of the frequency that encompasses the physical container. Also, the consciousness which permeates all living organisms is a different state of existence.” To prevent such harm from their race, the Zeta said, “We do not allow the humans to look into our eyes. You may see an image of us, it is a projection.”
The Zeta was asked if the vibrational states of some races closer to the human state would be less likely to cause burns. They replied, “There is obviously potential for different beings that interact with humans.” That is, beings from various races would expose humans to different potentials or vibrational states. They continued, “It is the consciousness that causes the physical form to become burned. This is why most contact is a form where the human is asleep because the consciousness does not operate in its normal parameters.” The Zeta advised that humans are less likely to be harmed by physical proximity when they are asleep and therefore less aware.
In general, the likelihood of harm is minimized when contact is not resisted. They said, “The defense creates an energetic barrier around the physical body which provides a potential for the human to present the skin, or the epidermis, as being burned. … The stronger your resistance to contact situations, the more potential there is for you to be harmed.”
“If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe,” says UCI professor of physics & astronomy Jonathan Feng, including what holds together galaxies such as this spiral one, called NGC 6814. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA; Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt.
6. Applications of the cosmological framework
The Zeta cosmology has fundamental attributes and general processes that can help us to understand phenomena. A variety of human experiences cannot be explained by current science but can be understood in the context of cosmology. Phenomena that are hard to explain include near-death experiences (NDEs) and out-of-body experiences (OBEs), remote viewing, and telepathy. Even everyday sensory experiences are not understood since they are not a function of matter. Cosmology offers insight into these phenomena.6.1 The experience of sensations
Sensory experiences are common but are hard to explain. They are often taken for granted and the need for an explanation is easily ignored. For example, the experience of a certain color of light is explained in terms of the associated physical parameters such as wavelength and intensity. These parameters predict the quality of an experience in words, but cannot explain the experience itself. According to the Zeta cosmology, quanta are transformed by the perceptual process and instantiated as higher-vibration consciousness potentials. These potentials are the experiences of sensations.[url= To General Relativity And Cosmology %28Essential Textbooks In Physics Book 0%29][/url]
energy of the superposed states of consciousness would affect the human’s physical cells so they appear burnt.
A survey of 50 contactees by Marden and Stoner (2011) found that 22% of respondents had suffered ‘burns, hair loss or conjunctivitis’ following the contact experience. Burn marks on the upper back and sunburn-like rashes were reported, sometimes on the entire body. Presumably, these burns were from exposure to the incompatible vibrational state of extraterrestrial energy.
Close proximity of a human to a Zeta could also have a deleterious effect on the mental health of the human. The Zeta said, “To look into the eyes of the race, you may lose your mind, your construct would disintegrate.” The container of the human’s local consciousness would be damaged by the nearness of the Zeta’s etheric body. When asked if the effect was caused by looking into the eyes or just being near, the Zeta replied, “The nearness to the body, because of the frequency that encompasses the physical container. Also, the consciousness which permeates all living organisms is a different state of existence.” To prevent such harm from their race, the Zeta said, “We do not allow the humans to look into our eyes. You may see an image of us, it is a projection.”
The Zeta was asked if the vibrational states of some races closer to the human state would be less likely to cause burns. They replied, “There is obviously potential for different beings that interact with humans.” That is, beings from various races would expose humans to different potentials or vibrational states. They continued, “It is the consciousness that causes the physical form to become burned. This is why most contact is a form where the human is asleep because the consciousness does not operate in its normal parameters.” The Zeta advised that humans are less likely to be harmed by physical proximity when they are asleep and therefore less aware.
In general, the likelihood of harm is minimized when contact is not resisted. They said, “The defense creates an energetic barrier around the physical body which provides a potential for the human to present the skin, or the epidermis, as being burned. … The stronger your resistance to contact situations, the more potential there is for you to be harmed.”
“If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe,” says UCI professor of physics & astronomy Jonathan Feng, including what holds together galaxies such as this spiral one, called NGC 6814. Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA; Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt.
6. Applications of the cosmological framework
The Zeta cosmology has fundamental attributes and general processes that can help us to understand phenomena. A variety of human experiences cannot be explained by current science but can be understood in the context of cosmology. Phenomena that are hard to explain include near-death experiences (NDEs) and out-of-body experiences (OBEs), remote viewing, and telepathy. Even everyday sensory experiences are not understood since they are not a function of matter. Cosmology offers insight into these phenomena.6.1 The experience of sensations
Sensory experiences are common but are hard to explain. They are often taken for granted and the need for an explanation is easily ignored. For example, the experience of a certain color of light is explained in terms of the associated physical parameters such as wavelength and intensity. These parameters predict the quality of an experience in words, but cannot explain the experience itself. According to the Zeta cosmology, quanta are transformed by the perceptual process and instantiated as higher-vibration consciousness potentials. These potentials are the experiences of sensations.In higher-vibration realms, the quality of sensations should be enhanced when quanta are rendered and transformed with greater precision. Ziewe (2008) encountered sensory experiences in his out-of-body travels that were unknown to him in the lower-vibration etheric realm. Alexander (2012, pp. 38-40), in a report of his near-death experience, described another world that was ‘brilliant, vibrant, ecstatic, stunning.’ The color of people’s clothes ‘had the same kind of living warmth as the trees and the flowers. A girl’s outfit had an ‘overwhelming super-vivid aliveness’. He found himself riding on the wing of a butterfly, ‘alive with indescribable and vivid colors’. He experienced truly unusual perceptions, perhaps because of the realm’s higher vibrations.
6.2 Near-death and out-of-body experiences
The idea that a spirit consciousness persists after the failure of the body is becoming more accepted. Many people have reported an NDE when the body fails temporarily after a heart attack or other potentially life-ending events (e.g., Van Lommel, 2010, 2013; Long, 2010; Alexander, 2012). When an NDE occurs, the consciousness of the person separates from the distressed body and finds itself in a body that is invisible to other humans in the room. In this state, the consciousness may have various novel experiences including blissful meetings with deceased acquaintances and angelic entities. Eventually, the consciousness returns to the injured body to tell others about the experience.Consciousness may also separate from an uninjured body. This tends to occur when it is not aware of the physical body. The consciousness finds itself in a similar body in another place which can seem more real than the familiar waking experience. This is known as an OBE (e.g., Buhlman, 1996; Ziewe, 2008, 2015; Peterson, 2013; Kirkpatrick, 2015; De Foe, 2016).
According to the Zeta cosmology, all objects of matter in our universe are configurations of consciousness. The configurations are holographic-like patterns, or quanta, existing in the etheric range of vibration. Since the human body is matter, it too is represented as etheric quanta. The body can be perceived only with perceptual processes tuned to the etheric vibration.
Although the body often heals itself, there inevitably comes a time when healing does not occur. An injury to the body may be too great or an illness may be too severe, and so the body ceases to function. When the local consciousness recognizes that the body may be beyond repair, it releases itself from the etheric body and moves to a body that is invisible to onlookers. The consciousness returns when the body is resuscitated, and the person may report an NDE.
A similar movement of consciousness to another body occurs at the beginning of an OBE. A Zeta described the transfer of conscious awareness to the astral realm, “Simply, as an act of will, you will drive the physical processes to a point where they do not exist. At that point, the consciousness will release itself from the physical body, and using the etheric template of the body, present itself within the astral realm.” The creation process intrinsic to consciousness brings a new body into existence that is patterned after the etheric body.
The created astral body also has a holographic-like representation in consciousness. However, it clearly differs from the etheric body in that it cannot be seen by human onlookers. Therefore, it must have a higher vibration than the etheric body. Any humans in the etheric realm cannot decode the information in the astral body because their perceptual processes are tuned to the lower etheric vibration. On the other hand, the consciousness in the astral body is still aware of the lower-vibration etheric body and its surroundings since any being can transform quanta at its vibrational level or lower.
The astral body that appears during an NDE or OBE is said to exist in an environment that initially appears similar to the familiar Earth environment. The perceptual process tuned to the astral vibration continues to transform quanta in either realm and so consciousness continues to experience matter. In the astral realm, experiencers may report that their body flew to another location or moved there at the speed of thought (Ziewe, 2008). The environment may change according to their expectations or intentions as if their thoughts were externalized.
View (2008, p. 129; 2015, p. 53) observed that thought occasionally influenced objects and events during his astral experiences, although not all thoughts were equally effective. Thinking spontaneously or allowing thoughts to arise naturally out of expectation was more powerful than merely having the intention to create. View (2008, pp. 138-139; 2015, p. 91) concluded that there were still ‘laws of nature influencing such higher-vibration experiences. A Zeta agreed that a higher-level construct of consciousness like a realm influences the belief structure of every inhabitant and so encourages a consensus reality.
6.3 Telepathic communication
What is telepathic communication? The medium explained, “Images are sent to us via telepathic communication from spirit and guides. We may see the images via our imagination or as a vision. We can see images, symbols, direct information, and colors, or just sense the energy emotionally” (Hamden, 2012, p. 110).The Zeta said, “The grid is used by many races and planetary beings, somewhat like a communication process. Not only does it aid in telepathic communication between your beings on this planet, but we also use it as well. All conscious thought is placed into the grid, and it is used by many ET races as a medium for telepathic communication.” To communicate telepathically, a being creates a message in the form of quanta in the grid. The perceptual process of the receiver would need to be tuned to the message’s vibrational state or higher in order to transform the message quanta to sensations.
According to a Zeta, a being typically creates using its highest possible vibration. However, a message from a higher-vibration being must be created with the lower etheric vibrations in order to be read by a human. That this is possible was confirmed by a Zeta and supported by humans who say they have been contacted telepathically by extraterrestrial beings (Hernandez et al., 2018).
One reason why extraterrestrial races are helping to raise the vibrational state of the human collective consciousness is to facilitate telepathic communication. A Zeta said, “Your collective mind, in its undulating state, is being prepared for the transition to a telepathic process” and “Then, of course, the other races which view you on your daily basis, will actively interact with the collective mind of the human race.” The extraterrestrial races are watching and waiting for the human collective mind to evolve. Would a telepathic being recognize that someone was attempting to communicate an untruth? In answer to this question, Zeta indicated that telepathic communication reveals information about the sender as well as the intended message. An attempt to lie telepathically would be reflected in the quality of the potentials in the quanta that represent thoughts and intentions. So the receiver of the thoughts would feel whether or not the information was intended to deceive.
Telepathic contact with extraterrestrial races is undermined by the eagerness of many humans to experience such communication. A Zeta said, “And so we have found that telepathic communication is the best method but there are many pretenders. They present themselves as our race, and this has caused many problems for us, as we cannot stop a human who has free will from interacting with any entity they wish.” The comment emphasized again that humans should not ignore the intent accompanying the telepathic message.
Telepathy as an intuitive process also functions to circumvent the need for a system of time measurement. A Zeta said, “You could say that the amplitude of the telepathy removes the need for time. … The information is given that you must be somewhere. It is given as a point of reference. It is weak. As the telepathic signal builds its amplitude, when it reaches a certain level, then you know that you must be at that place.” A sense of anticipation or urgency builds as an event draws near.
The Zetas have designed some of their technology to have the telepathic ability. For example, they interact telepathically with their craft which is conscious beings. To communicate with the craft, “an astral form is needed or thought projection”, suggesting that humans in their current etheric vibrational state would be unable to do so. The Zeta continued, “But realize this, the thought must be of a very specific nature, and there are biological barriers around the craft, to stop certain energies from penetrating through the craft which we class as a being.” It appears they have dealt with some security issues concerning such communications.
Another technology is ‘the chair’, a telepathic device that extraterrestrial beings use to magnify their own thought processes. The chair is said to be “a hybrid system where there is an organic and metallic process. The organic integrates with the psychotropic processes. This allows the amplification of the psychic portion of the etheric field and thus you have a connection to a communication device.” The word psychotropic suggests that thoughts in the psychic portion of the etheric field are amplified by chemical substances that affect the nervous system.
The Zetas expect that humans will eventually master telepathic communication. In the near term, human technology is already being developed to enable a kind of mind-to-mind communication. They warned that there are dangers in this approach. When technology is required for telepathic communication, control of the communication is in someone else’s hands. They suggested that technologically assisted telepathy should be accepted temporarily, and that “ultimately you can move into connection with each other. The amplified state of thought that you will exist in will allow you to bypass the technological states.” Such natural telepathy awaits a fully functioning collective mind, and so it cannot happen until the human collective consciousness changes dramatically.
6.4 Remote viewing
When performing a remote viewing exercise, a viewer’s intention is to have sensory experiences of a particularly remote location (Puthoff, 1996). The property of consciousness that might help to distinguish locations is the grid. A Zeta said the grid was instantiated to support the creation of spacetime. With the grid as a frame of reference, quanta representing objects of matter would have particular locations in spacetime. A consciousness could ‘think’ to those locations to remote view the objects. It is important to note that the grid is a mental concept and not in itself an indication of spatial extent in consciousness.Like a telepathic message, objects to be viewed remotely are encoded as quanta in the grid. A remote viewer’s perceptual process would transform quanta at a particular location as if they were a telepathic message. Both the remote object and the telepathic message would be transformed to higher-vibration consciousness potentials to be experienced as sensations.
A viewer’s perceptions of the remote object could be biased by expectations of what to find. To minimize such distractions, remote targets are sometimes identified to the viewer by arbitrary alphanumeric codes. Such blind identification of the remote site can be successful, suggesting that the remote viewer does indeed use the intuitive telepathic process. The intention to perform the task would focus on the end goal rather than the path taken to reach the goal. The focus on the end result appears to be a general principle for utilizing the energy of thought.
Novice remote viewers would have to overcome the learned bias to transform quanta at nearby locations. That strategy is inappropriate for accessing an unfamiliar remote scene. To become proficient, they would practice setting the intention to use the telepathic process instead. When the remote viewer’s intention is successful, the quanta at the remote site are transformed by the perceptual process to be experienced as sensations. Remote viewing is most successful when the focus is on the experience of the features rather than the interpretation of what they mean. The remote viewer is typically urged to report sensory features like color, smell, and texture. Reports of constructs such as particular buildings or other manufactured items are typically discouraged in favor of the sensations experienced.
6.5 The materialization of an apport
An apport is an object that suddenly appeared in mid-air, usually in the presence of a physical medium (Von Ludwiger and Nahm, 2016), but sometimes spontaneously (Roll, 1972). The object continues to exist like normal matter. The materialization is usually attributed to the actions of a spirit being.Figure 6.1 shows an image of an apport that appeared during a physical mediumship séance with the German medium, Kai Muegge. The crystalline object shown in the left panel fell from the underside of the medium’s downturned palm into the author’s hand. The medium’s hand was easily visible in soft red light. The materialization of the object coincided with a brief twinkle of white light. The presumed spirit said with the medium’s voice, “It is the first time that we opened the crystalline structure and embedded certain portions of ectoplasmic substance to see afterward.” Remarkably, when the crystal was backlit in darkness and held at a certain orientation, clear representations of a male and a female human head appeared as shown in the middle panel of the figure. The right panel identifies the locations of the representations with the oval graphical overlays.
Figure 6.1. Left – Crystaline apport, Middle – Backlit interior, Right – graphic overlay. |
Figure 6.2 shows an enlarged view of the interior of the crystal from a slightly different angle. Some features of the man’s body are more noticeable. The right hand is beside the head with the palm turned upwards, and the fingers and forearm can be distinguished. The left hand is cupped just behind the woman’s head. The two larger dark areas on the right side of the image might then be identified as the man’s left arm and leg, with the left foot extending to the floor.
Figure 6.2. Larger view of apport interior, slightly different orientation. |